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   "That's your home?"

"It is."

"It's loud."

"I mean, my carriage had been attacked. It'd be weird for my family not to freak out."

Ares and Elias stood in front of the boy's family estate. They saw many people running about in quite a hurry, some of them even yelling at each other. Ares looked down at the boy, snorting as Elias sighed at the scene in front of them.

"I don't want to go in."

"Shouldn't you be happy to see everyone fuss over you?"

"I know that once I step inside, my parents would never allow me to step back out."

Ares looked back up. His features turned somewhat bitter.

"You should head inside. Your family is missing you right now."

Elias glanced at him. "You aren't coming inside?"


"Well, I figured my family would like to know who helped me. Just come meet them."

"I have to go back soon."

"It won't take long." Elias looked straight at him and grabbed Ares' sleeve. He tugged on it. "Please?"

Ares scowled, but he didn't slap his hand away. He only gave a small grunt in response which was enough for Elias to take as a yes.

Ares had been very generous to Elias. While he wasn't exactly kind, he was a good person who personally helped Elias get back home. He wanted to repay the man back somehow, so he figured allowing Ares inside to meet his family would be a good idea.

Reluctantly, Ares allowed Elias to drag him over to the entrance. They were stopped by the large gates though until one of the servants came over to see what was happening.

Once Elias pulled his hood down, revealing his dirty face and matted hair, the servant's eyes widened and they immediately opened the gates up and let the two of them enter.

The servants wanted to question Elias as to how he managed to come here and what happened, but the boy pushed through them and entered his household.

Inside, he saw Lord Denes frantically spitting out orders to several men while his wife stood beside him with a haggard look.

"My lord, your son has returned!" One of his mother's attendants announced loudly.

Everyone stopped and turned their heads around to see Elias in tattered clothes. He raised a hand up and lamely greeted everyone, but Lady Aikaterine rushed over and threw her arms around her son while crying. She pulled back and checked all over Elias, continuously rubbing the dirt away from his face just as Lord Denes stared at him in shock.

"E-Elias... you're here. Thank the Gods, you're safe!"

By the time Lord Denes came over, he finally noticed the man standing behind Elias. He was taken aback, finding himself intimidated by Ares' large frame and smoldering red eyes. Ares glowered icily at Elias' father and really only turned away when Lady Aikaterine saw him as well.

"Oh, I didn't see you," the woman hiccuped. "W-Who are you?"

"Mother, this man was the one who helped me get back home."


The woman stood back a little and expressed her gratitude in a wave of thanks. Her husband was still highly alerted by the man, though he finally thanked Ares before having to question him who he is.

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