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"You can't have him. We just reunited! Right, Pelagios?"

Pelagios, not really caring about the situation in front of him, shrugged. "I guess..."

"You heard him," Hesiod turned back to Sisyphus and tried shoving him away. "Go away. You're supposed to be busy!"

Elias managed to slip himself away from Hesiod's grasp, almost bumping to Sisyphus until Lapetus swiftly grabbed hold of him. The king of Corinth cheekily grinned.

"I'm so glad you could make it, Elias. I honestly didn't think you'd be coming, but I should've known you'd be here for Hesiod. I'm sorry I left you by yourself, so if there's anything you need then don't hesitate to say anything."

Elias nervously shuffled back and practically glued himself to Lapetus. He was still at a loss for words at Sisyphus' identity and the need to leave the palace was so overwhelming, Elias hurriedly bowed his head and stammered out an excuse to go back home.

Lapetus followed his actions, but his eyes occasionally glanced up to observe Sisyphus' expression, secretly sneering at the man's amused smile. Sisyphus showed thrill in his eyes, finding Elias' nervous state to be the highlight of the night.

Lapetus could feel his jaw tick before he averted his gaze, having to ignore the king's look.

"Why would you want to leave when you just came?" Sisyphus gave a mirthless chuckle. "Hesiod's so pleased to see you again and so am I! I'll make it up to you now since I did abandon you back in Delphi. Pelagios, you agree with me, don't you?"

Pelagios gave the king an unimpressed look. "Whatever... hey kid, you should just leave. These guys here are crazy."

"I'm not!" Hesiod was quick to hold Elias' hand. "Stop scaring him! You'll make him leave when he came all the way here just for me! Elias, we'll go somewhere else. Don't bother with them too much."

"Don't be like that, Hesiod. Just because Elias is a little kind to you doesn't mean you can monopolize him. You shouldn't mistake his small gesture as something else," Sisyphus scoffed before nudging Lapetus, who gave him a scowl. "It's been a long time since I last saw you! How are you? Didn't expect you to come with your master!"

Lapetus pulled Elias away from Hesiod, earning a hurt look from the man. Lapetus coldly replied, "Your Majesty, if I may..."

"Yes, yes, go on. I don't care much for formalities. Treat me like you did back in Mykonos-"

"Go away."

"Oh... well, you didn't have to be as honest as you were back then." Sisyphus had to cover his mount to prevent a small giggle from escaping. "Anyways, let's go back to the banquet."

"I want to spend my time with Elias by myself," Hesiod softly interjected. "A-And his friend is here so I'll make a new one-"

Pelagios gave Hesiod a look. "Don't say weird things. Are you stupid? Leave them alone. Hey, you two, hurry up and follow me. I'll escort you outside the palace myself."

"Don't ruin the fun," Sisyphus sang as he kept nudging the side of Pelagios. "Hesiod was right about making new friends! They're so entertaining, and I don't mind making my circle a little larger!"

"Don't touch me."

Sisyphus stopped poking the man immediately, but he still kept up a smile. "Playful as always, Pelagios! Now then, let's hurry back to the banquet hall! As for you Hesiod... stop mingling with the other rats in the palace. You know they don't like you. No need to get your feelings hurt."

Hesiod's hands trembled a little, but he managed to strain a smile and nod. "Yes... I'll try..."

Elias worriedly looked back at Hesiod, finding him a little pitiful despite how confused he was. Sisyphus was quick to interrupt his thoughts however when he pulled Elias along, dismissing Lapetus' murderous look and Pelagios' eye roll.

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