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   Ares took notice of the terrible expression Elias had. He wondered if his conversation with the queen was that bad, but when he asked how it went, Elias only shrugged and said nothing was wrong. It sounded more suspicious that way, but he didn't push it.

But when the two of them were alone in a room, Elias looked incredibly exhausted and had quite a pitiful look on his face. Ares thought it was annoying and thought to ask him what was actually wrong.

"Little runt, did the queen bully you or something?"

"No, she didn't."

"Do you know why you were taken here?"

Elias cringed at confessing to Ares as to why he was here in the first place. It had already been awkward enough that he and Amphitrite argued about being Poseidon's new consort, but to tell Ares what happened? Elias would rather step outside of this dome and drown to death.

Even though Elias was reluctant to bring it up, Ares never liked it when someone held back what was needed to be said. He glowered down at the male with his arms crossed, a foreboding look upon his face. He bent down a little, almost startling Elias.

"You should tell me."

"It wasn't anything important," Elias replied, internally hoping he wouldn't pry it out of him.

The look Ares gave him in return made him a little scared. He had to turn away, forcing himself not to jump off the seat. Ares didn't realize how icy his expression became for he was used to looking down at people like this, so he wondered why Elias was all fidgety and eager to get away.

"Little runt," Ares lowly muttered. "You can't brush this off just like that. You were taken here for a reason. If you tell me, I'll be able to help you out and we can both leave Poseidon's domain."

"I really can't say-"

"You're fucking pissing me off." Ares lifted a hand and roughly grasped Elias' chin for a moment, tilting his head to the side to make sure he was making proper eye contact with the god. And then Ares released him with a sneer. "For beating me a while back, why don't I take out my own frustrations and screw you? It seems like you're in need of a good distraction anyways."

Elias froze up, not expecting Ares to actually continue their conversation from before. He'd like to think the god was jesting, but Ares wasn't the type to do so. And seeing Elias a bit doubtful made the god furrow his brows, getting even more agitated.

"You think I'm joking?"


Elias didn't know what to say. He thought his dull reply would make Ares angrier, but he was stunned to see the God of War relax all of a sudden. His glare was replaced by a soft look, and Ares even leaned down further with a small smile that caused Elias to hitch a breath. Ares looked at him in the way Prometheus did, except his stare was much headier and enthralling.

"I'm not a gentle lover, but I can be one," Ares rasped. "I hardly care to get intimate with others to be honest, so I'm not good at expressing myself. For you though, I think I might just do about anything to make you believe me. How about it, runt? You want a good distraction, or do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

Elias backed his head away, finding the situation to be bothersome and irritating more than he liked. He might not have any feelings for anyone, but the glamour Ares held was something difficult for him to resist. He was thankful Prometheus at least didn't act this way since there's no telling what would happen due to how striking the titan already was.

"Don't laugh, okay?"

Ares blinked, losing all of his tempting nature. "You'll really tell me?"

Elias hesitantly nodded and gestured Ares to come closer. The god drew near enough for Elias to whisper in his ear. It was embarrassing having to tell someone like Ares what happened, especially since he confessed how Amphitrite thought of Elias to be a perfect replacement to become Poseidon's little companion.

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