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   At the dinner table, Elias is eating quietly as his parents were talking up a storm with Hermes. Elias gives Hermes a glance, having to resist the urge to roll his eyes as the god relayed his activities to his mom and dad for the past few weeks.

"We're so happy you decided to join us for dinner this week, Hermes! I know you're so busy with your job and all," his mother, Madison, chirped. "You must be exhausted!"

"I'm alright. I feel a lot better now that I got the chance to eat a home-cooked meal," Hermes sighed.

Roan, his father, gestured at the table. "Please help yourself then! Madison went a little overboard when Elias said you planned on coming over for the weekend. It's nice to have a family meal like this once in a while."

Elias had to sigh a little. Hermes wasn't family, but they sure are treating him like one.

"Dad, is Hermes coming with us to our family trip next month?"

"Of course! Winter break basically lasts a whole month!"

"But I thought-"

"Hermes was so kind to give us those tickets to a luxury cruise ship! It wouldn't be fair to go without him, honey!" Madison laughs. "Hermes, you must come with us to more trips. You're apart of the Williams family now!"

"Thank you, I really appreciate it."

That guy definitely did something suspicious to his family. Elias had to squint his eyes at the whole ordeal, but eventually left the whole thing alone.

He guessed having Hermes as an honorary Williams family member wouldn't be so bad. At least he treated them nicely with respect, and he was nice enough to explain to his parents that Elias was doing very well in college since they apparently live "close" to each other to where Hermes checks up on him occasionally.

"Tell us again how Elias is doing Hermes. It's been a while since he came home, and it'd be easier if he came home every now and then, but without a car, it's not so easy. But we're grateful that you always manage to drop him off here!"

"Elias is doing pretty well. You have an upcoming exam don't you, Elias?"

"Sometime before break starts, yeah."

Hermes nods. "I usually help him with his homework-" Hades and Prometheus usually help with that. "-and he's mostly busy studying for his tests."

"But he's got enough time making friends, right?"

"Mom, I've been making friends."

"Oh! What about a girlfriend? Got anyone you like?"

Instantly, Hermes and Elias exchanged a look to each other. Hermes coughed into his fist before sinking down in his seat, stuffing his mouth with food in order not to speak. Elias had to grimace.


"I just think it'd be nice for you to go out more often! If you have anyone you like, you should definitely go out to talk to them frequently! Is he seeing anyone, Hermes?"

"Uh... well, I-I'm not too sure myself..."

Roan butted in a little, "Madison, I think Elias is a little too busy for a relationship right now."

"Maybe so, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have any interest in anyone! Do you like anyone, Elias?"

Elias honestly should've expected this from his mother. When Elias got better to where he didn't have to go to the hospital as often, he began to have more friendly relationships with his classmates and other people in his campus. His parents always wanted him to grow up happily, but knew it would be impossible with how sick he had been. Now, his mother probably saw an opportunity for him to get his own girlfriend.

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