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   The first thing Elias did when he woke up was cough.

He had such a coughing fit that by the time he managed to calm down, his throat was sore and tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

With a dizzy head, Elias subconsciously looked around and found himself in a cramped room, laying on top of a small bed. There was even a cup full of water near him to which he gratefully accepted.

Once he forcefully set the cup down, Elias took deep breaths and gazed at the thin bedsheets with an empty look.

This was the worst idea he's made so far.

"Should I just kill myself?" He muttered out. Elias was quite serious about it as well.

The air up in this mountain was too thin for him to breathe, but it should've been just fine and he'd have no trouble adapting to the environment quickly. But he couldn't forget the way his lungs were immediately crushed. He felt like he was drowning and getting choked at the same time. The ringing in his ears were so loud he could barely listen to what anyone was saying.

This place... it was dangerous.

Elias grew extremely wary now and thought how such a place couldn't exist if its own air was trying to purify someone.

Did that also mean that Elias had to be more aware of the supposed gods and goddesses Ancient Greek had? Should he consider them to be real—

No... he couldn't get too far ahead of himself. The idea of gods actually being real was still too absurd for him to accept. Still, he recognized what just happened and began to grow superstitious. Supernatural things happening may occur from time to time in this time so it's really the only thing Elias can believe.

Though it still wouldn't make sense for him to accept something that simple.

Elias being superstitious of the mountain's air? Sure, he can live like that, but he cannot be ignorant of what he went though.

But he just didn't know what to believe in anymore.

"You're up."

Elias felt goosebumps on his arms at the voice. He looked over at the side and saw the woman from before.

It took him a moment to speak, but when he did, his voice was hoarse and sounded a little straining to the ears.

"You helped me?"

"The temple does not need anyone dying on consecrated grounds. There is no need to thank me," she replied pensively. "The high priestess is the one who you should thank. She removed your impurities herself."

Elias craned his neck up at the mention of the high priestess. That's the person he was looking for, wasn't he?

The woman seemed like she knew what he was thinking and said, "If you wish to speak with her then take a moment to compose yourself. When you are ready, I shall be waiting outside."

She left so quickly that Elias faltered to get ready. But slowly, he got off the bed and winced every time he took a step.

He was fatigued. All his limbs felt abnormally heavy and he had the urge to crawl back under the covers and go back to sleep. Still, he ignored how tired he was and tried dressing himself up properly.

To his surprise, there was a new outfit prepared for him on a small table. It was plain and simple compared to flamboyant one Hesiod prepared for him.

When he finally got it on, Elias trudged outside and awkwardly looked around until the woman appeared from the side with two other girls. They were smaller had such tiny frames, so Elias couldn't help but think they were merely children.

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