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   The first god he meets up with after Ares was Hades.

Hermes helped set the appointment up. Which wasn't so hard since he worked directly under the God of the Underworld as a chairman. Chairman of what?

One of the largest corporations in the world. One that Hades built up successfully, becoming its owner. And despite being one of the wealthiest gods in Greece, he tripled his net worth and had an insurmountable amount of money that Elias couldn't ignore. Not when Hades had the power to directly affect those underneath him, like his parents and the company they worked for.

When they were able to sit face-to-face, it was in Hades' penthouse. One of his luxury homes anyways, and it's filled to the brim with all sorts of plants and flowers.

Nice to know he was still obsessed with gardening.

Hades looked almost the same as Elias remembered. Eyes bright as an amethyst, his long black hair pulled into a neat side braid, and his icy expression was what he remembered. The god was dressed in a formal manner, wearing a three-piece suit with a number of expensive-looking rings on his fingers. And although the presence of decay lingered in the air, a sign that he was still the lord of the dead, he was smiling so fondly at Elias that it surprised him, thinking Hades would just jump out of his chair to crush him into a hug.

Elias didn't plan on staying too long. They conversed quietly, most of them something Elias doesn't really remember since it was a little strange being next to him again. But then their topic diverged into his relationship with Ares, something that Hades didn't bother to hide his envy from.

It felt a bit weird though. He knew from the others that Hades had some sort of obsession with him, something more intense and greedy as the centuries passed. And not once has his fanatic crush on the mortal ceased. Only that it became worse.

He could tell with the way Hades' eyes never left his. They narrowed, the atmosphere now chillier than before. Every time Elias moved, went up to go use the restroom, went around walking to admire the place, Hades kept looking at him like a predator waiting for its prey.

It felt as if it he moved ever so slightly towards the door, Hades would snatch him back and trap him here. Elias tries not to overthink it.

But then came a question.

"Would you be willing to give me a chance?" It's said in a dark, rich accent. They've talked for a while now in Greek, but it was the first time Hades ever spoke English.

Elias stops drinking the tea Hades gave him. He looks up, frowning and not so sure what to say.

"I don't think..."

"You gave Ares a chance, haven't you? Why not take me in?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, but things have changed drastically since our time back then. Monogamy is quite preferable over here in America." He couldn't help the small sarcasm seeping in his tone. Hades' smile twitched.

"I don't mind sharing. Not as long as I get to have you. In whatever way I can, of course."

Elias sighs. He really doesn't know how to talk to this guy. He's not the Hades from before who used to be so snarky and rude, and sometimes clumsy and shy. No, this god was more demanding and impatient. He's looking at Elias like he's just waiting for him to get up and make a quick break at the door before chasing after him.

"I don't know you that well, Hades."

He shrugs. "I suggest going on a couple of dates then. I'm free on the weekend, and you shouldn't have anything to do, right?"

"You really want me to go out with you?"

"I'd do anything."

Elias shakes his head, laughing quietly. "Yeah? Like what?"

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