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Elias later found out the man was called Lapetus.

It's been several days and the man was still with him, though he didn't cause much of a fuss and was usually quiet. He was also rather obedient and began to help Elias around the house without any complaint. Lapetus even helped with the boy's small garden and was able to do a much better job than him. Not that Elias minded, he had a feeling he was doing something wrong and happily allowed the man to tend to the vegetables.

Although it was nice to have him around, it caused Elias to stress out even more since he hasn't fully healed yet.

There were also times when Elias tried making small conversations about the man and his past, but Lapetus was resolute in not saying anything. He vaguely responded how he was casted out from society and was forced to live by himself without any help, but was lucky enough to have met Elias. The boy didn't bring up his past anymore after that point.

Other than that, Elias was peacefully living his life with Lapetus.

"You should eat more," Elias commented as the brunet sat his bowl down. "You ate so little today."

Lapetus glanced down at his bowl before gazing back at the boy. "I don't... want to take more from you. You've done a lot for me already."

"I have more than enough money to go and buy more food for the both of us," he reassured the brunet. "Just keep eating. Afterwards, you can take a walk with me to the town square. I'll introduce you to some of the people here so they'll get to know you better."

Lapetus seemed uncomfortable with that. "Should I really go?"

"I'd feel bad if I kept you locked up in such a shabby home," Elias gestured to his small house. "And the majority of the townspeople are suspicious of new arrivals. I'm thinking if you're with me, they might not be as hostile."

"I see..." Lapetus hesitantly nodded. "But I don't... want to bother you more than I have-"

"You saying stuff like that bothers me the most," Elias sighed in irritation. He didn't miss the way Lapetus flinched from that and had to chuckle. "I don't want you to worry about anything while you're here with me. It's my fault the carriage nearly ran into you so take this as a form of compensation. When you're better, I'll finally feel relieved."

The man didn't reply. Lapetus merely shrank back due to his nervousness, almost anxious at the thought of heading outside with Elias. He already made himself out to be a burden, watching the boy struggle to take care of his wounded body while Elias was also finding difficulties for himself.

Elias didn't take note of the man's worries and merely helped Lapetus get dressed up, carefully watching over his wound before placing a cloak over the brunet's shoulders.

"I should also buy some clothes for you," Elias murmured in a daze. "Some furs... new shoes... I think I need to buy a bit more than that."

"T-That's okay!" Lapetus immediately declined. He grew distressed over the boy having to buy more things for him. "I'm fine with what I have. I'm already grateful for you taking me in."

Elias pulled away, finding Lapetus turning even more red. He had packs of clothes sent from his family, but because Lapetus was slightly bigger and taller, he couldn't exactly fit into any of them.

"It's fine, I have enough money to spare. Just worry about your wounds instead."

Even if Elias said that to comfort the man, Lapetus didn't feel any better and took another look around the house. It was merely a small cottage and there was hardly any furniture around, but that was because he knew the dark haired male liked living in simplicity better. He was worried he might be forcing Elias to spend much more money on stuff he couldn't afford and was about to decline again when he was being pulled out of the house.

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