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Across from Elias was Zeus, the two of them sitting down in a nice cafe eating together for breakfast.

They've been here for a while honestly, merely engaging in mindless talk and what's been happening over the last few centuries. Though it was Zeus talking for the most part, revealing what he's done over the years while Elias intently listened.

They've been doing this for a few weeks now. They find time to meet each other, to catch up. Sometimes, they don't even talk, but just take in comfort of each other's presence despite all that's happened between them.

Even if Elias had hated him, the feeling waned after every visit. Every time they met, had locked eyes and smiled at each other softly with promises of talk, his hatred and anger of the past dwindled little by little.

But maybe it was because the two of them were under the small influence of the bond, slowly working itself and opening both of their souls to bare themselves to each other.

They don't know.

They avoid the discussion, though they shouldn't. Elias thinks it's because he's afraid of the outcome if they were to talk about their bond.

But eventually, they have to talk about it. They kept dancing around the matter, trying to ignore what they even came together for.

Elias was here because they needed to talk about what happens next, and Zeus was always willing to listen and follow no matter what the results came to be.

Which is why Elias finally brought the matter up today after Zeus was done with his idle talk.

"What do you want to do?"

Zeus sets down his drink, an eyebrow raised. "For what?"

"Our bond. We aren't... supposed to be like this. You and I shouldn't be like this."

Zeus was quiet for a second. He doesn't look at Elias.

"Well, isn't the best option just severing our bond?"

"Isn't it?"

"... Whatever you want, I'll do it."

Zeus confirmed it so many times that he'd do whatever Elias requests. Although he was no longer a king, his powers were always going to be more omnipotent than anyone else's no matter how dormant they became. Still, Elias is reluctant even after all this time.

Breaking their bond was the best course of action, he's sure of it. It's not going to benefit either one of them.

Yet, Elias looked up and watches Zeus carefully.

The god notices and smiles. "Yes?"

"What do you want?"

"I... want whatever you want."

"Yes, I know, but what do you think? This goes both ways. Severing our ties is the best option, but I need to know what you think before we can actually go through with it."

Zeus thinks Elias is too soft on him. This mortal teeters on being selfish and selfless which baffled him sometimes. Elias is not a kind person. He hates and loathes, and there's still resentment in his heart, but he's willing to look for closure and a form of peace because he does not want to be angry forever. Even if that included Zeus.

He planned to say the same thing, but when he sees that look in Elias' eyes, seeking out what Zeus truly wanted, the god had to hold his tongue for a second. He might as well be honest. It's not like Elias would change his mind anyways.

"I would... appreciate it if we don't break the bond. I know, it sounds terrible and selfish of me after what's happened, but..." Zeus trails off into a whisper, needing to look away to collect his scrambling thoughts. "I guess it doesn't matter what I say honestly. I know you enough to know that what you want isn't something romantic out of this bond. You already have something special with Typhon, so I can't put myself in between you two because of how envious I am. Still, it'd be nice to have this small connection to you. I don't want to lose this feeling, but I'd just hold you back."

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