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Prometheus really did keep his word. Everything went back to the way it was before their trip to Corinth.

As usual, Elias spent his days in leisure and read through random scrolls Prometheus had gifted him to satiate his boredom. While he played, Prometheus resumed his original role and took care of everything for Elias. He always made breakfast, lunch and even dinner for Elias despite not being asked to.

During the days, Prometheus would go out and gather the last of the fruits and vegetables in the garden until the cold grew and there wasn't anything left to grow. Later on, the titan would go into town and buy some supplies to make warmer clothes for Elias. When he wasn't doing that, Prometheus would be busy doing household chores as he watched over Elias lazing around.

It was perfect for Elias. He didn't want to get up and do anything. He only wanted to stay inside and sleep all day, and having Prometheus do all the work suited him just fine.

The only thing which slightly bothered Elias was how affectionate the titan was.

Prometheus looked at him different now that he confessed. His hazel eyes were warm and very fond whenever his attention was placed on Elias. He continued to make the ceramics Elias liked before and presented them to the male. If Elias turned away, Prometheus would go out into the town and give some to Nikolaos or sell them. If Elias liked it, the titan would display them somewhere in the house where it was easy to be seen.

There were also times when Prometheus would come up from behind Elias and place his hands on his shoulders, giving him a message as usual. But then his hands would travel down Elias' back and would wrap themselves around his waist, pulling Elias closer into a hug. Prometheus sometimes placed his chin on the male's shoulder, smiling in content as Elias tilted his neck away, still indifferent to his actions.

Prometheus didn't mind. He was explicitly happy in knowing Elias was still his, and his alone. It didn't matter if Elias didn't look at him as long as Elias had no interest in others.

His smiled turned twisted at the thought as he hugged Elias tighter. Prometheus didn't have to worry about that part. Elias had never been interested in anyone before and would always depend on him for everything. The titan wanted to keep it that way.

Unfortunately, that thought never lasted and Prometheus had to witness the sight of Elias talking happily to a girl he's never seen before.

Elias looked livelier and wore a gentle smile on his face when he faced the girl. He even took it upon himself to serve her some beverages and talked as if they were old friends.

The girl even brought another woman with her as a companion. That woman wore an icy expression and didn't speak for the majority of their stay, but she did take notice of Prometheus standing behind Elias. Her eyes narrowed before she looked away, settling her gaze on the girl.

"I was surprised you came to visit me, Chloris," Elias said. "What brings you to the island?"

Chloris beamed. "Callidora and I planned to visit you for a while now!"


"Well, we're actually supposed to be heading to the island of Delos instead, but I figured to stop by here to check up on you!"

Elias forced a smile when he noticed Callidora frowning. "Coming here from Delphi is hard. You'd have to take a boat and everything... you didn't have to stop by."

Chloris grabbed his arm and refuted, "We had to! I missed you a lot! Even the others have been asking about you. You missed me as well, didn't you?"

"Yes, I have-"

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