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Lapetus didn't take too kindly to the man sitting at their dinner table, eating what was supposed to be Elias' food.

His master was treating Sisyphus a little too well.

Lapetus' hands clenched down on his bowl before he forced a gentle smile. The brunet turned to Elias and handed him his food.

Elias stopped tending to Sisyphus and gave Lapetus a frown. "What is it?"

"You should eat, master."

"That's yours."

"I'm not that hungry. I ate a while back."

Elias sighed, "I told you so many times not to skip out on dinner. You've been doing well these past few days, don't give up now."

Lapetus' stomach churned at the thought of eating more. Instinctively, he placed a hand on his abdomen, right where his wound used to be when he first met Elias.

He really couldn't stand the thought of having to eat. It made him so sick that it was easy for him to throw up... but seeing that disappointed look on Elias' face made him pick up another piece of bread and slowly chewed on it.

Sisyphus, noticing the whole ordeal, wiped the wine off his lips and licked it with amused eyes.

"You two have such a great relationship for a slave and master."

"He's not a slave... mind your manners." Elias lifted a hand and lightly smacked it against Sisyphus' forehead. "Since you're staying under my roof then don't go harassing Lapetus."

Sisyphus didn't focus on what Elias said. He was too stunned by the boy's action that he made him go quiet for a second, but then a large grin overcame his features which nearly blinded Elias.

"Sure, whatever you say. Sorry about that."

Elias sighed a little. Sisyphus was a bit of a troublemaker, but he guessed it was a good thing to have someone entertaining them for a night. As much as he enjoyed Lapetus' company, they rarely ever really talked since Lapetus was busy doing all sorts of house chores and going out to the market to buy food. Elias was also busy with finding a way to get home.

Sisyphus was a nice treat to have.

"Where exactly do you plan on going once you leave?" Lapetus questioned in a cool tone.

"I do plan on heading back to Corinth, but I also want to go to Delphi."

Elias glanced at him. "Why Delphi?"

"Isn't it obvious? The oracles there are quite infamous. I've been meaning to travel there for some time and speak with the oracle."

Elias knew about Delphi. Back in his era, who doesn't know about the famous oracle of Delphi? The people of Ancient Greece followed the words of the priestesses no matter what, and those priestesses held so much power that they were able to shape the world however they wanted—


Elias nearly widened his eyes. The oracle of Delphi... wouldn't the priestess be able to help him? Surely, if they did have some sort of power, they'd be able to provide answers for Elias.

The male wasn't too sure if he'd believe the words of the priestess, but this was better than nothing. He getting tired of doing nothing anymore and would rather travel to Delphi for more answers.

"Are you alright?"

Elias glimpsed over to Sisyphus. "Yes?"

"You seemed lost in thought. Are you interested as well?" Sisyphus asked.

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