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When Elias wakes up, there's a heavy arm latched over his waist, holding onto him with a death-like grip.

He looks over his shoulder and sees Typhon behind him, stirring and waking up as fast as he could the moment he sensed Elias shuffling around.

He would've turned around to rouse Typhon gently, but Elias doesn't. Instead, he lays back down, facing Typhon this time. He takes notice of the bags underneath Typhon's puffy and slightly red eyes, indications of how the creature kept sobbing last time.

Typhon couldn't stop crying.

All because Elias brought up how he met his actual soulmate, Eva.

This wasn't anything new. It's been weeks since he last saw her when they met up one last time at the same cafe so she could repay him for spilling her drink on his expensive shirt. Nothing had happened, although Elias could tell fate was furiously grinding their gears, shaping and remolding his future to form how his destiny was supposed to go.

His soul strings couldn't stop trying to latch around Eva's neck desperately, and he tried his best to keep up a light smile as Eva talked about her day and asked him a few questions about himself in general.

It was hard. Elias couldn't really pay attention.

Though Typhon had been distracted as well.

Elias took Typhon and introduced him to Eva, explaining how they were a couple themselves. Eva was delighted and immediately cooed at how cute the two were to each other, especially since Typhon couldn't let go of Elias when he laid a possessive arm around the human's waist and kept him close to his side.

But it was because Typhon couldn't shake away the unease and utter paranoia when he saw just how frighteningly fast Elias' soul strings disconnected with his own, favoring Eva instead.

It was as if the soul bond had thrown Typhon away. They deemed him no longer worthy of having Elias as a mate, not when someone as pretty and charming and just so smart like Eva came around.

Typhon could see why she was the better option. She carried herself with tenderness and a radiant smile, and not to mention the fact that she was excelling in all of her college classes, especially ones that Elias was taking and struggled in. Eva was more than happy to help and explain, chattering on and on about topics that Typhon couldn't keep up with because he just didn't understand while Elias did.

The whole thing was terrible. Seeing how the soul bond forgot about him made Typhon panic and grow fearful, squirming around more than several times in his seat as his anxiety crawled around inside of himself.

He knew that Elias was trying to prove to him that he didn't care about the soul bond, that he was going as far as to introduce Typhon as his boyfriend in front of Eva... but it just didn't help.

Even after Eva and Elias said their last goodbyes and the two of them returned home to the penthouse, Typhon immediately broke down and started crying in front of Elias.

It's pathetic, he knows, yet he couldn't stop the tears from falling as he whined and begged Elias never to go see her again. He even collapsed on the marbled floors, reaching up and fisting at Elias's pants with a tight grip as he demanded his lover to break his bond with Eva.

Typhon had been hysterical. He shouted and wailed and pleaded with Elias for so many things that he couldn't even remember crying about. Nothing that Elias did help to ease Typhon's worry, and neither did time.

In fact, they think his unjustified suspicions and erratic behaviors have grown worse, causing Typhon to grow even more maddened with obsessed to where he hardly allowed Elias to talk with others.

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