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Hades frantically checked Elias all over from his head to his toes once the twins helped him out of Tartarus.

The God of the Underworld had received a frightening report about Elias being in trouble from one of the Moirai. Lachesis warned the god about Elias being lured and tricked by another deity, so Hades rushed to try and find Elias when he realized the boy had crossed over to Tartarus.

And then Hypnos, who had warning dreams about Elias being stuck in the pits of Tartarus, woke up violently and sluggishly out of the bed when Hades called out to him and Thanatos. Thus, the twins were sent down to try and fetch the mortal back and even sought out Cottus.

They just didn't expect a titan to come down with them.

Prometheus was all too familiar with Tartarus and already stood his ground against the more powerful demons. Those creatures withered away, not wanting to disturb a titan who had been freed. That was also the time Prometheus took it upon himself to seek out Cottus, wanting to ask the Hecatoncheir if he had seen Elias.

Now, with everyone back up in the palace, it should've been a joyous occasion.

Instead, Elias locked his cold eyes onto Prometheus. The titan flinched and lowered his head, not wanting to face the male. Despite being all battered up with huge bruises, Elias didn't take his eyes off Prometheus the whole time Hades and his servants tended to him.

"Eris took the pot," Elias muttered out numbly.

Hades stopped. "Sorry?'

"I'm the one who's sorry. She took the plants you loved so much." Elias glanced at the god briefly. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I even caused this mess when you were already so busy."

Hades grew dispirited. "Don't say that. I'm not angry. I'm so glad you're alright... just forget about that plant. I wasn't expecting much anyways."

"Thank you, but can I ask where Sisyphus is?'

The king faltered for a moment. "I let him go with a warning. He was supposed to be taken to the queen, but she changed her mind and pardoned him for whatever he did. But I couldn't let Sisyphus off the hook since he still captured Thanatos. I wanted to send him down to Tartarus for a punishment... but I settled for something else."

"What did you do?"

"Nothing for you to be concerned about." He gave a tender caress to the back of Elias' hand. "Just know he's back up at his palace. I'd offer to send you back, but it's probably best to wait a while longer until you're fully healed."

"There's no need to stay here any longer."

Hades and Elias turned their attention to the brunet, looking straight at Hades with an aloof expression.

He continued, "I'll take him back up right now. I sincerely thank you for helping Elias during the time he stayed here, but a mortal shouldn't be in the underworld. Master, let's go."

Elias faced away from Prometheus and said nothing. Prometheus recoiled, not expecting Elias to just ignore him like that. Before he could persuade him to come with him, Hades rose up from the ground and stood face-to-face with the titan.

"The only reason you're standing here right now and not facing my brothers is because Elias requested to spare you just this once. Thanatos and Hypnos will not say a word about your freedom to others. If you ever decide to turn against the grace I've given, I'll send you back down to Tartarus myself without Zeus interfering."

Prometheus looked around Hades' shoulder, feeling his cheeks burn when the king admitted that Elias asked for his pardon. Didn't that mean Elias wasn't completely angry with him? He couldn't be. He's never truly been angry with anything. Elias would only drift in and out of his consciousness, and he barely interacted with people unless needed. From what Prometheus had seen, the male couldn't be completely capable of hating someone.

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