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"I'm so glad you got all of this for us! I'd have Callidora join us, but she's too busy speaking with the other priestesses, and I'm not sure if she's fond of seafood," Chloris sang.

Elias didn't mind the woman's absence and stuffed his mouth full of fish. He was too focused on eating to even notice Callidora's missing presence at the table. Prometheus kept placing down more food though and shuffled his drink closer, hoping Elias would pause to drink to prevent himself from choking.

"What are they talking about? Am I allowed to ask that?" Elias questioned once he gulped down his water.

"Some of it is confidential, but Callidora might come back with some news for you."

"For him?" Prometheus was skeptical.

Chloris gave him a small smile. "Is that a problem?"

Of course, it was. Whatever concerned Elias should also concern Prometheus, but the titan half-heartedly grinned and shook his head. He couldn't argue right now, especially since he had Elias' attention on him at the moment. The male wouldn't like it if Prometheus was being rude to the girls considering their odd and close friendship. Especially after Chloris offered to give them a room inside of the temple.

It was smaller than the one back at Delphi, but cozy enough to where Elias didn't have to worry about sleeping. He was even given some clothes by a few nice priestesses who blessed him to have a good night.

The three didn't say much afterwards and quietly ate the rest of their dinner until Callidora tiredly walked in, offering a small bow to Chloris.

"Callidora!" The head priestess beamed. "How was it?"


"That's it?"

"Other than them needing to speak to Elias, it went just fine."

Elias was curious. "They actually need me?"

"First thing in the morning," Callidora replied. "It's related to what we spoke about in Delphi. You don't mind coming, yes?"

Definitely not. While Elias was unsure about what they wanted to talk about, Chloris could really be right about there being more clues in Delos' temple. Perhaps there was a way for him to figure how to get home instead of waiting around doing nothing but just hoping and praying.

Seeing the knowing looks the girls were exchanging with Elias, it made Prometheus even more anxious to understand what was happening. He regretted not being able to attend Elias when he went on his trip to Delphi. He wanted to know what was happening, and he absolutely couldn't stand the anticipation Elias had in his eyes.

That night when they went to sleep in separate rooms, Prometheus couldn't keep his eyes closed and stayed up instead. He kept thinking about the whole situation, especially Elias. He fidgeted around on his bed, incessantly worrying over nothing. There was an ache in his chest that couldn't go away when he kept thinking about what Elias might talk about with the priestesses here. He doubted the male would try and tell everyone of Prometheus' identity, so it had to be something else.

What do those girls know that Prometheus couldn't? He was a titan, someone who held immense power before the previous generation of gods. He created the first forms of mankind, watched as Zeus tore through their bodies to separate them, and he still went down to these grounds to help them. He's lived through countless of generations and have seen things the average mortal would never witness.

What could those girls help with that he cannot?

It made the titan more resentful the more he didn't know. They didn't know Elias that well, did they? Prometheus spent so much of his time with the male and went out of his way so many times to do things for Elias he couldn't possibly imagine he'd ever do.

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