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   Elias was seated on Zeus' throne, arms crossed with a ticked expression as he stared down at the weeping woman.

Hera desperately tried wiping away the tears from her face and wanted to properly make eye contact with Elias but ended up sobbing when she tried to.

Zeus, his true soulmate, hadn't said a single word after what just happened. Elias expected him to turn away or reject this whole bond, but the god laid a careful hand on the mortal and guided him back to the throne room.

He pointed up at his seat and sat Elias down there. Elias frowned at him, not understanding why he was taken here. Before he could get a word in, Zeus disappeared a little frantic, leaving him behind with Hera.

"I'm not interested in your husband if that's what you're worried about," Elias dryly stated. "In fact, I was about to punch him if he hadn't made me come here. I suggest you leave this room when he returns. I've got a score to settle with Zeus."

"Punch him?"

"Don't ask." He's got to get a good punch or two for Cottus and his brothers.

Hera cried, "You can't... he might h-hurt you-"

"If Zeus lays a hand on me, he'd be an asshole for doing so. After all, those threads of ours tangled with each other. Doesn't that mean we're soulmates?" Elias asked irately.

"You know about soulmates?"

"I've heard a thing or two about it. I know enough."

"Then you and Zeus-"

"I don't want him," Elias repeated. "As I said before, I'm not interested in him. In fact, I want to see someone else. Hecate. Bring her to me."

"Hecate is busy..."

Elias gave her a look. Hera clamped her mouth shut and trembled. "Hera," Elias warned. "You did this to me... why not take full responsibility for it? Bring Hecate to me, and no hard feelings will come between us again. In fact, we won't even see each other once I return home."

Hera let out small sniffles. "Y-Yes... Yes, I will do so..."

Elias didn't think Hera would willingly follow his command, nor did he think the revered Queen of the Gods would bow her head and act like a frightened child if she didn't do as he says. He thought it was strange for Hera to be crying this much. If he was being honest, he felt a little uncomfortable after she rushed out of the room to find Hecate.

Hera was the queen. She was beautiful no doubt. Although she wasn't like Aphrodite, Hera held her own charm and spoke softly and gently. But she didn't carry herself like the queen he thought she would have. Amphitrite was more of a regal ruler than Hera, for the goddess was too busy crying over what happened earlier.

He felt some pity for Hera. He supposed he shouldn't be too harsh on her once she returns with Hecate. After all, Zeus cheated on her too many times that he lost count. Nearly everyone in Ancient Greece knows that, even Elias picked up on those stories and became disgusted with how much of a player Zeus was.

He wondered why people cheat on the person they vowed to be with forever. He'll have to punch Zeus a second time for Hera.

And speaking of Zeus, the god came back right as Elias lazily propped himself on Zeus' throne in a different angle. He laid against one side of the armrest as his legs dangled over the other, lazily just playing with the bracelet Chloris gifted him so long ago.

Zeus stopped and openly marveled at the sight of Elias. The male looked over to his side, glancing at Zeus once before looking away, already finding himself in a bad mood.

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