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   "You know, no matter how many times you paint me, I'm always amazed with the outcome, Prometheus."

Elias is hanging off the Titan's shoulder, leaning down to take a closer look at the canvas. Prometheus smiles in return, still giving light strokes to his work before setting down his brush and admiring it for a second.

He hums, "It's good, but not as good as the real thing."

"Flirt," Elias scoffs. "That's the fourth time you said it. We've been through so many of my paintings. I mean, you even drew me wearing a toga and a medallion that I'm pretty sure you never even saw. How'd you do it?"

"I wanted to try something out. Dress you up in other clothes, even if they were by those dreadful Roman standards. As for that medallion, well... Ares showed it to me once after you went back home. He told me what it had been for. I thought it was a nice touch to have."

Prometheus leans back and looks up at Elias, waiting for his approval.

Elias raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"Is this one acceptable?"

"You heard me say how amazed I was by you, right? Everything that you do is always going to be acceptable to me."

Prometheus sighs, "I know, but if there's a chance that you don't like it... it's best to just throw the whole thing away."

"Seriously? Don't do that! Just keep them and we can hang up your works here instead!"

Although he meant to say that in a soothing manner, Elias just wouldn't be able to live with himself if a famous artist such as Prometheus were to throw away pieces that's worth up to millions.

Prometheus notices that look in Elias' eyes. He's been with him long enough to know what's on his mind, so he grins slyly.

"I'm just a money-maker to you, aren't I?"

"Of course not!"

"Oh, I don't know... I did see you trying to steal some of my pieces. I don't know if it was for profit, but I'm getting the general idea that it was."

Elias mutters, "I didn't even steal it..."

"I know you didn't. Typhon told you to put them back anyways."

"I was so shocked. I couldn't believe he wasn't on my side."

Prometheus laughs, holding a hand up to the back of Elias' neck and pressed a longing kiss on the side. He continues his small assault, even nipping on the skin which make Elias pull back with a small gasp.

"You know I don't like that. It always tickles," Elias complains. "How would you like it if I did it to you?"

"I'd like it a lot more than you'd think."

To prove his point, Prometheus gets up from his chair and grabs him by the waist, the two of them laughing still before the Titan bows his head and steals a proper kiss. He drops his hands though, feeling a little guilty for touching Elias when he has paint on his hands, though Elias could care less and pulled him in closer.

"Are we still on for tonight?" Elias asks between small kisses. "For our date? I know you're busy and all."

"I've waited lifetimes for you. My work can wait," he said. He doesn't even think about his work, too busy backing Elias up until they hit one of the sofas in Prometheus' paint room. Hades made room for it in the penthouse and actually liked to come in whenever he had time.

Elias' knees buckled slightly, but he ended up falling backwards with Prometheus following right after him. He's careful to not add in any more weight and propped himself up just enough to continue kissing him as his hands wandered around before they slipped under Elias' shirt. He feels Elias shivering and his arms hooking around his neck, pressing Prometheus even closer to where he slipped a tongue inside the Titan's mouth with a cheeky glint in his eyes.

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