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It took him some time to properly think about what was going on. Elias had Hera in his arms, bleeding out profusely with ichor staining his hands and clothes. He doesn't remember holding her tightly against him, but when he looks down, he feels her shaking and coughing violent to where she was more than just sick.

There was something utterly wrong. Elias doesn't know what to do. And because he was in shock over the fact that the goddess was practically dying, he also thought to have misheard Cronus saying that he wasn't going to go home. That whatever they were doing was futile.

"Wake up, you damn brat!" Nemesis shakes him hard enough by the shoulders. "Wake up and tell me if you felt anything. Did it really not work? Did you feel it working even for a split second?"

"Y-Yes... I think so."

He's much too focused on the ichor on him than the others. Unconsciously, his hand is hovering over Hera's head, unsure on how to hold her now that she's in this state.

What happened? Did it really not work? He felt their powers thrumming through him so haphazardly, but there's nothing left of it now.

The sounds of fighting were able to make him reel back from his thoughts. He whipped his head around to look outside, seeing the gods and Titans still fighting. But ultimately, Typhon had an upper hand against the Titans and took two of them down. With their group dwindling, everyone else was surging forward to surround the last of the old pantheon. When he looks back at Cronus, thinking that the Titan would try to save his brethren, he went quiet when he saw Cronus not at all too bothered by what was going on outside.

"I told you, didn't I? You can't go home."

Hecate's features twisted. "What are you talking about? We had enough power to return him to where he rightfully belonged."

"Had." Cronus emphasizes.

He takes a step forward, but that only resulted in Hestia and Hecate stepping up to prevent him from getting too close.

Cronus scoffs at the women. "I honestly don't know where your confidence came from, but you two and I are on different levels. Step aside."

Hestia shakes her head. "No."

"No? I suggest you do. Your precious queen is on the verge of death."

Elias grips Hera's shivering body tighter. Dying? No, that couldn't be. He's locking gazes at everyone, not really believing Cronus' words until he saw Eris furrowing her brows. She's thinking about something. She also had the same questioning expression as Elias, but there's a slight change in her demeanor. Elias could see her shift, as if something went off in her mind.

Eris tilts her head, eyes still on Cronus. "You can't be serious. Cronus, you're lying-"

"I have never lied."

The abrupt change of tone to a gruesome look startled them. Cronus immediately covered it up with a fake smile, brushing off what he just sneered at them.

"I will admit that I'm a terrible, dreadful being to come by. But never have I ever lied to anyone or anything. What I'm saying is true. Hera has just reached her breaking point. I'm surprised she's even made it this far without collapsing really."

"Gods don't die." Elias speaks out with his throat dry and voice straining to be heard. He pulls Hera impossibly tighter when everyone laid their eyes on the mortal. "T-They don't... die. Gods don't ever die from the stories I have heard. They can be defeated, replaced by someone stronger and disappear altogether... but they don't die. You're lying. You're not-"

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