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Elias has no clue as to what he's doing.

The male stood in front of his small home on the outskirts of a little village. It was a nice place, he'll admit. The people were nice to him and the atmosphere was great. He also had a good view of the ocean on the island as a small bonus. It was a pretty good life.

Except the fact he's in Klouvas, Mykonos. Ancient Greece.

The male sighed and sat down on the ground in front of his home, muttering out small curses as to how the hell he ended up in this place.

At first, he had no recollection of what happened and woke up to a very large and spacious room. He was startled by a woman who stood near his bed, addressing him as her master before taking him over to the dining hall where his father and mother were waiting.

But while he spent some time with these people, he realized there was something else he didn't realize until then.

Elias felt empty. Not completely apathetic, but there was a dull and aching feeling in his chest he couldn't get rid of. No matter what he did, it didn't go away so he was forced to just go ahead and abide his time with his new family.

Apparently, Elias was born to a noble family. A quiet and modest family who were very kind to the people inside their estate, and they loved their son even more. Women weren't particularly able to be around their husbands since they had their own quarters and some women had to share their husbands with their mistresses. But his father was different about that and loved one wife, so the man didn't really care much for traditions and kept his mother close to him.

Aikaterine and Denes were the perfect couple in the boy's eyes.

But Elias was still dumbfounded about everything and could hardly believe what was happening to him until he walked out of their home, watching the bustling streets of Corinth.

The actual city of Corinth.

Now, Elias could also admit he didn't know much about Greece back in its day, but he remembered studying about the different cities. Apparently, Corinth was a trade city in an ideal location which allowed it to have two seaports, one on the Saronic Gulf and one on the Corinthian Gulf. As a result, the city was one of the wealthiest cities in Ancient Greece.

Even the people there developed their own coins and required every trader to use them when they came in their city. His mother also pointed out to the confused boy how Corinth was considered to be the most famous for its architecture.

Elias didn't doubt that. Everywhere he looked, the place was truly picturesque. It reminded him of all those paintings of Greece being held in museums.

Sighing at the thought, Elias also recalled to how he ended up at the island in the first place.

Due to the overwhelming fact he had somehow transported over to Ancient Greece, he stayed inside his room for two days before forcing himself to accept the fact he was here to stay. Elias went out only a few times to see what his family was like and was even more surprised to find out he had an older brother, who was learning how to take over the family business.

Alec was a little different than Elias expected him to be. They looked the same with their black hair and silver eyes, but the male was a few years older than him and was more stern than Elias liked. When he first tried approaching him, Alec seemed a little distant and barely even spoke which made things awkward for the male.

But Alec wasn't all that bad. He gave some of his attention to his little brother and often came seeking for Elias a few times, wondering if the boy was alright since he seemed out of place.

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