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Never in his life would Elias believe he'd go to literal hell. Or well, the underworld to be precise.

Elias was currently being carried by Thanatos and didn't hesitate to latch his arms around the man as well. When he looked down on the grounds of the underworld, he was fearful of the large drop and curled up even closer to the god.

Thanatos dryly comforted, "I will not drop you. It is alright."

"Why am I here?"

"I said I was going to hide you. Do not worry, you'll be safe here."

"U-Um... God Thanatos-"

"Just call me by my name."

Elias swallowed, "Mister, I'm a mortal... I don't think mortals are allowed to be here."

Thanatos stopped flying and looked down at the male. "Oh, right... I've forgotten."

"You forgot?"

"There are souls roaming around these parts of the underworld. It is dangerous for you to be in this place. I will bring you to a safer area," Thanatos murmured and slowly started flying off again. "You'll be staying here temporarily."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Thanatos ignored him and pressed on, "The underworld may be scary for mortals, but it's still a pretty place to look at. The majority of the souls here aren't as hostile as others, as long as you don't stray too far away from Asphodel Meadows. It's where the majority of the dead go."

"You're dropping me off there?"

"No, of course not. You'll be staying somewhere else, but are free to roam Elysian Fields. It's a place full of sunlight... I think you'll like it there."

Elias has no idea what those fields are or why their names are so fancy, but he'll just keep his mouth shut and move on with it.

"I don't think I should roam anywhere. Why don't we go back up to the surface and let me hide somewhere else? L-Like the island of Mykonos or-"

"We're here." That was all the warning Thanatos gave him before diving down at an unnatural speed. Elias couldn't help but to cling onto him tighter, squeezing his eyes shut and desperately prayed for it to be over.

And it was in a matter of seconds.

Elias felt themselves stopped and only heard the sounds of Thanatos' wings slowly flapping. He opened his eyes to see the two of them fly above an enormous palace made out of dark obsidian and gold littered across the grounds of it as well. There were rare jewels locked in place within the walls and what looked like flowers, decorating the place, were made entirely of emeralds, rubies, sapphire, and other gems.

Elias didn't think Ancient Greek had these ores... were they even native to this place?

Thanatos slowly descended down onto the platform and frowned, looking around as if he expected company. Elias was still reluctant to let go of the god, fearful of what might happen if he stepped down.

Thanatos glanced down at Elias. "Are you scared?"

"A little..."

"Here, I'll toss you up."

"Excuse me?"

Elias was suddenly suspended up in the air before being caught by Thanatos. The god did it once more and thought to do it a third time before realizing just how pale Elias' face became.

Thanatos tilted his head. "Did you not like that? I can toss you higher."

"No, no! I'm good, really!"

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