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   "A priestess of Apollo? You sure are bold, my wife... ah, I shouldn't say that anymore. Aren't you going to cheat on me in a minute or something?"

"It's not like I wanted that to happen! It was love at first sight, how was I supposed to know who she was?" Amphitrite scowled. "And don't talk about me as if I'm having an affair! She doesn't even know my existence."

"Who wouldn't know the existence of Amphitrite, one of the most beautiful nymphs?" Ares grunted from the side, earning a small laugh from Poseidon. Amphitrite flared up again with how dull the god's tone was.

"I meant, she's not even aware of me right now! Did you not see her brushing me off just to talk to Elias? Hey, Ares, if you keep being an asshole, Elias might dump you and be with her instead!"

Poseidon cackled louder, ignoring the way Ares snarled and jabbed a finger into her shoulder. "What did you just say to me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you can't be pointing at her like that." Poseidon was quick to intervene and grasp Ares' hand, forcefully pulling him away from the nymph. "Even though she's cheating on me, she's still my official consort. I must protect her for the sake of our failing marriage. Am I right, Amphitrite?"

"Would you shut up? That's not even funny! And don't say that so loudly, what if she hears and thinks we're together?"

Ares exclaimed, "Bitch, you two are together."

Amphitrite shrieked, "Shut up, shut up! We aren't! That's so embarrassing!"

Poseidon's winced, hurt from her comment. "I'm still here-"

"Then get away! Go swim in the sea or something! I can't have you around me when she comes back!" Amphitrite fussed, already grabbing his arm and dragging him off. Though Poseidon was much larger than her and stood at the same height as Ares, not to mention he was packed with muscles underneath his poorly made clothes to dress as a mortal, so it made him heavier to move.

Ares' face twisted up. He reached out to push her off the king. "Stop that. You're not strong enough to do it."

"It's okay, I don't mind. Thank you for your help though-"

"You thought I was helping you? I was just about to offer to do it myself. We don't need your ass wandering around here," Ares retorted. Poseidon's smile strained.

Amongst the three powerful gods who were arguing, Elias quietly walked up to them and snagged a hold of Poseidon's sleeve. The king paused, having to look down and smile at Elias just as Amphitrite beamed. She was instantly relieved for Elias coming to her rescue.

"My king," Elias hesitantly began. Poseidon nodded, wanting to know what he wanted. "You should go home..."

Ares let out a laugh before he hastily covered it up with his hand. "Hear that? Even he doesn't want you."

Amphitrite was eager to agree. "Yes! Go back down! Don't worry, we won't stay for too long or anything, so just wait for me down there."

"But... but I don't want to," Poseidon quietly protested. "Why can't I stay here and enjoy a day off like you two? Ares, you're just as busy as I am, and you, Amphitrite, are supposed to be busy hosting a small party with the other sea nymphs and gods in the palace."

Poseidon turned back to Elias, already searching for some type of answer. While he might not be offended, there was no telling when he was going to flip his switch, so Elias nervously glanced over to Ares. The God of War was still relaxed, eyes zoned in on the boy and Poseidon. He seemed to be watching, too. He was waiting, ready to grab and snatch Elias if Poseidon's temper flared.

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