Chapter 1

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Carly's POV

I woke up to screaming coming from downstairs. "SHE'S A SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL YOU CAN'T JUST SEND HER OFF TO ANOTHER COUNTRY JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T HANDLE HER! I WAS SEVENTEEN ONCE AND YOU DIDN'T SEND ME OFF TO FRANCE!" I heard my brother yell as I listen from the top of the stairs. Send me off? Mum and Dad can't handle me? I hardly ever leave my room and when I do I make my own food, do my own laundry,

I practically take care of myself. The only thing they need to do for me at this point is take me to and from school. Am I really that horrible of a daughter that they need to ship me off?  "FINE THEN SHE'LL COME AND LIVE WITH ME!" I heard Will yell. "Carly? Carls? Wake up pip!" I heard him shout for me. I play stupid and rub my eyes as I walk into the kitchen to see my parents in tears. "Will? When did you get here?" I asked with a yawn.

"That doesn't matter right now. Go pack your bags." He said. "Why?" I asked knowing why already I just want to hear my parents admit it. "Lovey you will be living with Will. We love you but we can't take care of you-" That's all I needed to hear from my mum before I broke down in tears and ran out of the room, up to my room. "I still can't believe you two" I heard Will say as he followed me up to my room and helped me pack. 

It took two hours before we packed up most of my stuff. We packed my clothes, shoes, toiletries, pictures, a few nick knacks, and my computer. All that was left in the room was my bed and a bedside table with a picture of me, my mum, and dad. I couldn't take it with me, it hurt to even look at it. "Come on pip let's load these in car and we'll be on our way." He said taking a box and a bag of clothes.

I nod and grab two bags full of clothes and shoes before making my way downstairs. As I made my way downstairs I heard Will tell my parents that he will come by next week with a lawyer so they could sign over legal guardianship to him. "What absolutely not! She is still our daughter." I heard my mum shout. "No I'm not, you want to get rid of me. I don't want you to have a say in anything in my life anymore. You were going to ship me to France for what?

I don't bother you guys ever, I cook my own meals, I do my own laundry,  I clean up after myself, all you guys did was drop me off at school and pick me up. I don't know how that was so hard that you needed to send me somewhere far away to live with strangers." I said and my mother just cried into my father's chest. "They're right dear. Just let us know when you are coming down." My father said. My father and I never really got along,

I don't know why but we didn't so honestly his response didn't surprise me. With that said Will and I finished putting my stuff in his car. "I know this is a stupid question but would you like to go and say goodbye?" He asked before I opened the passenger side door. "After all that I just want to get far away from them." I said getting into the car. He just chuckled a bit before he got into the car and we started the drive to his place. "Carly come on we are here"

Will said shaking me awake. I open my eyes and saw the outside of Will's place. I get out of the car stretching a bit before grabbing a few bags and following Will inside. "You know where the guest room is so just set your bags down there. I'll bring you a few hangers for your clothes then I'll grab the rest of your stuff." He said. I nod my head and walk over to the guest room and place my bags down on the bed, Will came in and handed me some hangers.

I took them then gave him a big hug and started crying. "Thank you so much Will, I know this is not what you needed in your life right now. I'm sorry you have to do this." I sobbed. "Hey no no no shhh It's alright. I was not about to have you living in France with Mr. and Mrs. Johnson." He said hugging me tighter and petting my hair. "None of this is your fault pip squeak, I'm doing what any brother would do to protect his baby sister, okay?"

With that he ruffled my hair before he walked out of the room to bring in the rest of my stuff while I began to hang my shirts, jumpers, and hoodies. I put my shoes in the closet as well and hung up all my pictures while Will set up my computer. "Do you know why mum and dad were going to send me to France?" I asked. "So, they said you've been giving dad attitude a lot recently and he finally snapped then demanded mum to send you to live with the Johnson's."

He said plugging in a few cords into the P.C. "Okay but how did you find out about it?" I questioned. "So mum accidently text me instead of Mrs Johnson asking when they should send you out. I was confused and asked what she meant, then she told me that they would be sending you out to France to live with the Johnsons. I then freaked out and drove over to the house and you know the rest." He said standing up and coming to sit next to me.

"Hey since you'll be living with me now can I do a stream introducing you to everyone later today?" He asked. "Sure that sounds fun." I agreed, smiling up at him. "Cool, I'm going to set up for it. Just come to my room when you're done getting ready." He said getting up. "Alright give me about 40 minutes and I should be done." I said as he left. 


Word Count: 1070

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