Chapter 7

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Carly's POV

"Carly wake up please." Toby pleaded while shaking me. I look up and see he had a dark red blush on his face. "Good morning" I said groggily, getting up. I then noticed everyone around us with their phones out and pointed at us. "W-what w-why?" I asked embarrassed, blushing bright red before standing up and quickly made my way over to mine and Niki's room. I took my phone out and opened up my camera to look at myself. I saw that my face is still a blood red. 

"Carly are you okay?" Niki asked as she walked in. "Y-yeah I'm fine, I'm just going to take a shower." I said looking through my clothes. "So?" She questioned. "So what?" "Do you have a crush on Tubbo?" She asked sitting down on her bed. "I-I... ugh yes I do,  I'm mad at myself for it since one he doesn't like me back and two he's friends with my brother, I don't want to make Wil uncomfortable." I sighed sitting down on my bed facing her. 

"Carly you poor, sweet, innocent, and oblivious child. If Tubbo didn't like you back would he have gotten you that kiwi bird at the arcade?" She asked pointing to the plush. "If Tubbo didn't like you would he have been cuddling you this morning?" She asked. "I don't know, maybe because he's a nice person." I said while grabbing my clothes. "Carly-" Niki started before I cut her off. "I have to shower bye now." I said walking out the door only to bump into Toby.

"O-oh my bad." He apologized helping me up, I then quickly grabbed my clothes off the floor. "I-It's fine." I said quietly before quickly making my way over towards the bathroom.

Tubbo's POV

I hope I didn't do anything to upset her. I thought to myself and making my way over to mine and Tommy's room. "What's the matter Tubbo?" Tommy asked when I walked through the door and just face planted onto my bed. "I think I made her mad, she just sort of ran away from me right now." I explained turning my head to face Tommy. "What do you mean by sort of? She either did or didn't." He stated.

 "Well I went to go check on her since she looked upset just before she left and when I went to go check on her she just grabbed her clothes before rushing past me." I said with a small frown. "Maybe she was embarrassed about this morning? That's all I can think of mate." Tommy suggested looking around the room.  "I just hope she's not mad at me. I really care about her." I said pulling out my phone thinking about texting her. 

"Yeah we can tell. You aren't being very subtle about it my friend." He said laughing a bit. "Have I really been that obvious about it?" I questioned looking down at my phone. "Yeah mate, but by the looks of things she likes you back." He said and I snap my head up to look at him. "Do you really think so?" I asked with a small smile creeping on my face. "If she didn't like you would she have fallen asleep on you in the car? Or would she have held your hand while we were in the car?

Or even cuddled with you on the couch?" He stated. "You saw the hand thing?" I questioned going red. "Yeah kind of hard to hide." He said laughing a bit. "What should I do Tommy? I don't want her to be mad at me." I said. "MATE I GUARANTEE YOU SHE'S NOT MAD AT YOU! SHE LIKES YOU!" Tommy shouted. 

Carly's POV

I got out of the shower and quickly got dressed. 

I decided on some purple makeup today because purple is my favorite colour

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I decided on some purple makeup today because purple is my favorite colour.

I just brushed my hair straight and left it down since I didn't feel like doing with anything with it

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I just brushed my hair straight and left it down since I didn't feel like doing with anything with it.  After I finished I walked over to the lounge to see George and Fundy sitting on the sofa. "Uh hey, um have either of you seen Toby?" I asked. "Nope, not since this morning." Fundy replied. "Neither have I sorry." George added. I just nodded my head before I walked over to the kitchen to see everyone else.

"Hey pip, we are going to order some breakfast do you want anything in particular?" Wilbur asked. "Uh some French toast would be nice." I replied. "Okay, can you ask Tommy and Tubbo what they want?" "Sure where are they?" I asked grabbing a water. "If they aren't in the lounge they're probably in their room." Will said. "Okay thanks Will" I said before making my way to their room. "MATE I GUARANTEE YOU SHE'S NOT MAD AT YOU! SHE LIKES YOU!"

I heard Tommy shout. I went red before I knocked on the door. I heard whispers and a loud thud before Tommy opened the door. "Hey Carly" He said enthusiastically. "Hey, um they're ordering breakfast and Will told me to ask what you two wanted." I explained giving him a weird look. "Uhh I'll take some eggs and toast. Tubbo what do you want mate?" Tommy asked looking behind him. "A sausage roll please." I heard Toby reply.

"Is he alright? He sounds like he's on the floor-" I was cut off by Tommy. "He's okay, goodbye woman." He then just shut the door in my face. I sat there in shock for a few seconds. Did I make Toby uncomfortable? I did, didn't I? Oh god I should have never listened to Niki. I thought to myself. I was on the brink of tears when I walked  back into the kitchen. "Uh Tommy said he wanted eggs and toast. Tubbo said he wanted a sausage roll."

I said my voice cracking a little saying Tubbo's name. "Okay, pip is everything alright?" Wilbur asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "Y-yeah. I think I just need to lie down. I'm tired." I said and quickly made my way to my room. 


Word Count: 1056

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