Chapter 8

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Carly's POV

I'm lying down in my bed back facing the door holding back the urge to cry. What did I do? Why does he hate me all of a sudden? Why did I get my hopes up? I thought to myself, finally letting my tears fall. A knock on the door freaks me out. Shit I said to myself, carefully wiping my tears. "C-come in." I sniffed, I then heard my door open and close before I felt the other side of the bed dip. "Carly are you okay you sound sad?" I heard Toby ask. "Y-yeah I'm fine don't worry about it."

I said closing my eyes. "Come on you can tell me. Why aren't you looking at me? Is it something I did? See I told Tommy I upset you this morning." He said sadly and sat up to look at him. "You didn't upset me this morning, I thought I upset you. Tommy just kind of closed the door in my face so I thought you guys didn't want to see me." I explained looking down at my hands playing with my bracelet. "Hey look at me I'm not mad and I never not want to see you."

He said sweetly while putting his hand on my cheek lifting my head up and I looked at him to see he was smiling. I smile back at him and then he frowns. "Have you been crying?" He asked. "Is my mascara running?" I asked wiping my eyes. "Just a little but you still look as beautiful as ever" He said which caused both of us to blush. "T-thank you Toby. I think you are very handsome." I said blushing even more.

 We both stared at each other before I notice him lean in and I did the same. Our lips were millimeters apart when I heard him whisper. "If you're trying to kiss me then commit." Which made me laugh lightly before I closed the small gap between us. The kiss felt amazing, all the little butterflies in my stomach exploded and sparks went flying. He's my first kiss and it couldn't have been better.

We pulled away after what feels like a lifetime but in reality it was probably about a few seconds. "I-I y-you" Is all I could get out before I started giggling with a blush never leaving my face. We smile and look at each other a little longer before I heard my brother call out our names. "CARLY TUBBO FOOD IS HERE." We jump apart before we started laughing. We walk over to the kitchen to see everyone scattered around.

George, Niki, Dream, and Fundy are at the bar eating while my brother, Tommy, Phil, and Kristin are at the table. "Your guy's food is on the counter" Will said pointing to it. Toby and I got our food before sitting at the table. I'm sitting next to my brother while Toby is across from me sitting next to Phil. We are listening to the others talk but we would glance and make eye contact with the other before smiling then turning our attention back on whoever is talking.

"So Carly what have you and Tubbo been talking about? I heard a lot of laughter coming from your room." Wilbur asked and all eyes were on us. "Just stupid stuff we've seen on Tik Tok, showing each other ones we found funny." I lied picking at my French toast. "Wow you guys are boring." Tommy laughed. "You could have done that out here with us you losers." He added laughing again. "Well I'm the loser type." I said before taking a bite of my food.

"There's something you're not telling us" Wilbur said looking down at me. "And why's that?" I asked looking at his head and not making eye contact with him. "Because you aren't looking at me. You do that when you are lying." He explained, smirking while taking a bite out of his pancakes. "That's not true Wilbur!" I shouted looking him dead in the eye. "ooo I struck a nerve you hardly ever yell." He laughed. "Wilbur I swear to god just shush." I said calming down.

"This is what I call entertainment." Tommy joked causing Phil to smack his arm. "Come on pip squeak you know I'm messing with you." He laughed again which only caused me to blush out of embarrassment. "So what should we do today?" Niki asked changing the subject. "There's a beach nearby maybe we could check it out?" Kristin suggested. "That sounds fun." Dream said. "Let's do it then" Wilbur said excitedly before putting his plate in the dishwasher.

"ooo then we could check out that shopping centre that just opened." I suggested. "Perfect that's what we'll do then. We leave for the beach in 2 hours so get ready." Dream said. I smiled taking my plate loading it up in the dishwasher before locking arms with Niki and we made our way to our room laughing.  "So want to tell me what really happened because Will and I know it wasn't Tik Tok watching." She said once we locked the door.

"Well I was upset because Toby didn't try to talk to me at all this morning after I ran into him before I hopped in the shower. Then when I was going to ask the boys what they wanted for breakfast Tommy opened the door but I couldn't see Toby. Tommy had the nerve to close the door in my face so I thought Toby was upset at me that's why I went to our room and 'slept' because I was about to cry. But then Toby knocked on the door asking if I was alright.

We talked for a bit and then we kissed." I explained really fast but by Niki's facial expression I knew she understood. "Awww that's so cute!" She shouted. "Shhh I don't need my brother to hear." I hushed her. "Was he your first kiss?" She asked. I just nodded my head yes. "Cute" She whisper shouted. "Well are you guys a thing or?" She questioned. "I-I don't know, we didn't talk about that. After the kiss Wilbur called us to eat." I said smiling at the memory of the kiss.

"That bastard" She joked which caused me to laugh. "Now come on we need to get ready." She said grabbing her bag before she started searching through her things and I did the same.


Word Count: 1080

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