Chapter 19

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Carly's POV

A Week Later

The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. I happily made my way over to the school gates wanting to leave this hell hole. I actually managed to make a friend, her name is Lucy and we have maths together. We are talking about our weekend plans since it's Friday. "Bye Carly, I'll text you later" She said before leaving me alone. As I exit the gates I notice Toby isn't here.

I text him asking where he is and waited five minutes before deciding to just walk to his house and check up on him since he's probably streaming. I knock on his front door and his mum answered. "Oh Carly, Toby didn't walk with you?" She questioned seeing me alone. "No, he didn't show so I thought I'd come check up on him." I said sweetly. She moved to the side and let me in. I walked up the stairs to his room to see him lying in bed on his phone.

"Hey Tobs, where were you today? You left me alone and didn't answer my message." I questioned looking at him. I heard him groan before he answered me. "I just didn't feel like it. God you are so clingy. Why can't you just leave me alone?" He snapped and I started tearing up. "Fine you want me to leave you alone? I will" I said my voice breaking. He looked at me with regret realizing what he said.

I took the necklace that he gave me off and threw it at him before running out of his house in tears. I heard him shouting my name but I didn't care. When I got home I walk over to my room in silence. I pass Wil on the way to my room. He hadn't noticed my tears so he questioned why I was home so early. He took one look at me and frowned in confusion. "What's wrong pip squeak?" He asked and I couldn't answer him, all I could do was cry.

"Come on, tell me what happened" I tell him everything and he gives me an apologetic look. I look at my phone and see Toby has called 30 times and left 100 messages. I just threw my phone and Wilbur hugged me. "He's stupid, don't listen to him" He tried reassuring me. His phone started ringing and he picked it up looking at who was calling him. He just glared at it and put it down. "Who was it?" I sniffed looking up at him.

Tubbo's POV

What did I do? I messed up big time. I didn't mean to snap and say those things. I don't think she is clingy, I love her so much and I just told her to leave me alone. I'm currently trying to get her to answer my messages or calls but she's not. I feel so bad, I just wish I could take back those hurtful things I said. I got so stressed with Twitch and YouTube then I snapped at the first person who talked to me. I feel awful, she looked broken when she left.

She threw the necklace I gave her at me. I've just been holding it on the verge of tears when I looked at it. Wilbur hasn't picked up either. I don't know why he would, I just broke his sister's heart. God I just don't know what to do or who to turn to for advice. I would usually go to Wilbur but he'd probably tell me to go away. I should probably call Phil, maybe he knows what I should do. I thought before going to my computer and ringing Phil on discord. 

It rang a few times before he answered. (Phil Toby )

Hello Tubbo what's up mate?

Hey Phil, are you streaming?

No not at the moment. What's wrong you sound sad?

I messed up Phil. I said some awful things to Carly and now she's not picking up. I've tried calling and texting but she won't answer. I feel awful, I didn't mean to say those things. I was so stressed with everything and I finally snapped, I know that not an excuse but I feel so bad.

I was sobbing at this point really wanting her to answer my calls or texts. Wanting her to know I didn't mean it.

Tubbo mate what did you say?

Well I usually walk with her on Friday's and I didn't then I ignored her message asking where I was. Then she showed up at my house and when she tried to talk to me I told her she was clingy and to leave me alone. But I didn't mean it at all.

That's real bad. I would give her some space, like wait  until next week and do what you usually do on Friday. Try to talk to her while walking her home and apologize. You fucked up big time mate.

I know I did Phil and I'm just trying to fix this. I love her very much and I didn't mean to say that stuff. 

I get that but at the moment she doesn't think so. I don't blame her, if Kristin said that to me I don't know what I would feel. It makes it worse that she is a teenage girl.

Phil I feel terrible. She's so sweet and didn't deserve to hear those words. I'm an awful person and a horrible boyfriend. 

Well like I said give her a week then try talking to her. If you really do love her like you say you do, you can't just give up mate.

Thanks Phil.

No problem mate.

We hung up the call and I just broke down into tears again. Why did I have to snap at her? Why couldn't it have been literally anybody else. God I wish I could hold her and tell her I'm sorry and that I didn't mean a word of what I said. Tell her I love her and I never want her to leave me. I thought to myself before I got into bed and began to cry myself to sleep wishing I had her in my arms. 


Word Count: 1033

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