Chapter 2

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Carly's POV

I walked over to my closet and looked for something to wear since I'm still in the hoodie and shorts I slept in. I found a yellow jumper some ripped jeans and grabbed some white socks before getting dressed.

 I found a yellow jumper some ripped jeans and grabbed some white socks before getting dressed

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(Pretend those are socks lol)

I did some nice neutral makeup to match my outfit.

I then put my hair in a bun so it wasn't in the way

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I then put my hair in a bun so it wasn't in the way.

I walked over to Wilbur's room and he set up a chair for me already

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I walked over to Wilbur's room and he set up a chair for me already. I sat down and Wilbur looked at my jumper and laughed. "Should I put on my yellow jumper too since you decided to do this?" He chuckled. "Wait actually?" I asked looking up at him. "No pip" He laughed. It took about 5 minutes before he started the stream. "Hello chat okay so listen before you ask the obvious question let me introduce my guest today." He said putting on his glasses.

"So chat this is Carly, she is my 17 year old baby sister. She is living with me now. Out of respect for us please don't ask why but just know mum and dad are still alive so please don't think they are not. So Carly say hello to chat." "Hi chat." I said waving to the camera. "Okay so today I will show Carly around the Dream SMP " He said getting real close to his microphone. Once he logs onto the SMP I saw a username Tommyinnit say hello and told Wilbur to join VC 2 in game chat.

Will then joins the voice chat and hands me one of his earphones so I could hear. "HELLO WILBUR" someone yelled which caused me to flinch due to the loud noise. "Holy shit who was that?" I questioned laughing a bit. "Oh hello woman that is not Wilbur" He laughed. "Hello, I'm Carly. I'm Wilbur's younger sister." I said wondering around the SMP. "WILBUR YOU'VE HAD A SISTER AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" He yelled which caused me to flinch again.

"I didn't need you to use her for views Tommy" My brother laughed. "Wilbur come on man you know talking to people's sisters is my thing." He stated. "I do know that's why you are barely finding out about her." My brother said, but before I could say anything someone else joined the VC. "Hello" A calm cheerful voice greeted. "Hello Tubbo" Tommy greeted. "Hello" I greeted which caused him to do a double take.

"Did a female's voice that wasn't Niki's just come from Wilbur's microphone?" He asked confused. "Yes it did, I'm Carly Wilbur's sister. Nice to meet you" I introduced myself with a small laugh. "Hello Carly I'm Tubbo." He introduced himself which caused me to smile. "Hello Tubbo." Will greeted. "Hello Wilbur, why didn't you tell us you have a sister?" Tubbo questioned. "Yeah why didn't you tell them about me? I feel very unloved right now William" I joked looking at him.

"WILBUR SHE LOOKS LIKE YOU IN A WIG HOLY SHIT" Tommy yelled, he obviously just pulled up the stream. "I wonder why Tommy, it's not like we are related or anything" Will said, his voice full of sarcasm. "Does this child ever not scream?" I questioned which cased Tubbo and Will to burst out with laughter. "I AM NOT A CHILD! I AM A BIG MAN!" He screamed. "Oh really? Okay Mr. Big Man, how old are you because you sound like you are fourteen."

I said which cause Tubbo to laugh even harder. "I'm 16" I just started laughing. "Ha I'm older than you. I'm 17." "Hey I'm 17 too" Tubbo said. "Wait really?" I asked smiling. "Ya but I was born at the end of 03 though." He stated. "Wait me too, my birthday is in November." I said excitedly. "Dammit you're older than me my birthday is in December." He laughed. After an hour I could tell Wilbur was just kind of done with streaming for the day.

"Okay well I think it's a good time to end stream, hold on guys let me end stream and you two can talk to Carly more." Wilbur said. After about 2 minutes Will stopped streaming and then got up. "Carly I'm going to make dinner, you can stay here and talk to the boys." He said before leaving the room. I clicked the undeafen button, "Tommy she's sweet you know, like honey" Tubbo said which caused me to blush. Was he talking about me?

I thought to myself before speaking up. "Hello guys I'm back." I said pulling my legs up on the chair. "O-oh when did you join back?" Tubbo asked. "Just now silly, why?" I asked smiling. "Were you talking shit?" I joked. "No, Tubbo was just being a simp." Tommy joked then started dying laughing. "I-I WAS NOT! TOMMY YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Tubbo shouted. "Hey get back on Minecraft we want to show you some stuff on the SMP"

Tommy said, I agreed and got back onto the SMP. As soon as I join I see Tubbo's character. "Carly come check out my bees." He said excitedly. "DID HE SAY BEES" I shout. "BEES ARE SO CUTE!" I shout again. "Oh no"  I heard Tommy sigh and Tubbo just gasped before shouting "BEES ARE AMAZING" I followed Tubbo over to his bees. "I love them" I said with a giant smile on my face. "HEY PIP DINNER'S READY" I heard Wil yell. "OKAY JUST A SECOND" I yelled back. "Pip?"

Tubbo questioned. "Oh he calls me pip squeak because I'm shorter than him." I explained and Tommy laughed. We then exchange numbers before I turn off Will's computer and walked over to the kitchen. "So pip how do you like Tommy and Tubbo?" I smile when I heard my brother mention Tubbo's name. "They're really cool." I said taking a bite out of my food. "Good because in a week all of us are planning to meet up with a few other people.

Since you live with me you're coming with." He stated. "Wait really?" I asked in shock. "Yes really" He replied, I give him a big toothy smile. We finished our dinner in silence before I went to my room and drifted off to sleep. 


Word Count: 1108

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