Chapter 25

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Carly's POV

I gasped as I awoke from a horrible dream. I was shaking and silently crying when I felt arms wrap themselves around me. I flinched freaking out so I looked over and saw Toby next to me looking worried. I forgot he was here. I thought to myself before I just clung onto him still shaking and crying. "It's alright love, I've got you. It was just a dream calm down." He whispered to me lightly petting my hair trying to get me to stop crying at least.

I tried to respond only to let out a sob and he shushed me softly. "Just breathe Carly, everything is alright" He kissed the top of my head and held onto me tightly. I take in a shaky breath and the tears started to slowly stop. "I'm sorry I woke you up Tobs" I whispered hoarsely and I felt him pull back a little to look at me. "You have nothing to be sorry about my love. You had a bad dream and I'm comforting you."

Time Skip

I woke up again, this time I saw light coming from the cracks in the blinds so I carefully got out of bed as to not disturb my sleeping boyfriend and I quietly made my way out of my room. I walked over to the lounge to see my brother and Niki sitting on the sofa. I smile and ran over to give her a hug. "Yay you're awake! Wilbur has told me what happened so I got the first flight I could over here and I'm not leaving your side for a while." She said giving me a bright smile.

I turn over to look at Wilbur and he smiles. "I figured you'd need Niki since I know you missed her." He said and I gave him a hug. He's not wrong, I adore Niki and I think of her as an older sister. She is honestly the best and I love her very much. "Oh right Tommy called and is coming around in a bit to film a vlog with Tubbo, Phil, Ranboo, and I so I'll be gone all day" Niki looked over at me excitedly.

"Yes perfect, I wanted to have a girls day anyway. I'll call Kristin to see if she wants to join us!" Niki exclaimed excitedly. "Yes that would be so fun" I am now smiling so hard my face was hurting a bit. This is much needed to get my mind off of everything. While we were all chatting I heard my door open then close and Toby shuffled tiredly into the lounge. "Oh Niki when did you get here?" He asked when he saw Niki sitting next to me on the sofa.

"Hello Tubbo, I got here early this morning to steal your girlfriend." She laughed pulling me in for a hug. "Alright, as long as you return her I'll be fine" He joked back and sat next to Wilbur. "Tommy is coming around in a few hours to film a vlog with us I'll drop you off so you can get ready." Wilbur said grabbing his keys and Toby nodded his head. I got up from the couch and gave him a hug.

"I'll call you later alright, I love you." He said before giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Okay, have fun. I love you too" We let go of each other and he walks out of the lounge. "You two are so cute together. I told Wilbur to introduce you to Tommy and Tubbo way before he actually introduced you. I knew something good would come out of it." She smiled before telling me to go get ready and proceeding to ring up Kristin.

I happily skipped to my room to pick out an outfit and hop in the shower. I took a fairly long shower just letting the warm water relax my muscles. I then got out and hurried to get ready. I put on a black tank top and some shorts before putting on a flannel. I then put on my black converse before starting on my hair and makeup.

  I brushed my long brown hair straight before just putting it in a pony so it's not in the way

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I brushed my long brown hair straight before just putting it in a pony so it's not in the way. I then walked back into the bathroom to brush my teeth and start on my makeup.

After I finished brushing my teeth I grabbed my makeup bag and put on some light makeup as I don't feel like putting on anything bold

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After I finished brushing my teeth I grabbed my makeup bag and put on some light makeup as I don't feel like putting on anything bold.

After I finished brushing my teeth I grabbed my makeup bag and put on some light makeup as I don't feel like putting on anything bold

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When I finally finished with everything it has already been nearly two hours. When I walked into the lounge I saw both Niki and Kristin sat on the sofa looking down at their phones. I let out an excited squeal seeing her. "Yay Mum's here" I said nearly tackling her in a hug. Ever since the meet up Kristin has started to really feel like a maternal figure to me and she is okay with me calling her mum.

"We are also going to pick up Minx too so then the whole family is together." Niki said grabbing her rental car keys. ( I don't know if Niki can drive so incase she can't she sure can now lol) I quickly grab my phone and mini backpack before I make my way out of the door with the girls; We begin our journey to Minx's place. It took an hour before we reach her house and Niki starts honking.

Soon we see Minx excitedly make her way out the door and she practically jumped into the car.  "Yay the fam's all here" Minx yells as she puts on her seat belt. "Hello Minx" I greeted giving her a side hug. "Hello sprout, how've you been?" She asked and I replied with a good. "Are we all ready to go then?" Kristin asked. "Yes and we are about to have the best family outing ever!" Niki shouted before we set off to the first location. 


Word Count: 1052

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