Chapter 33

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Wilbur's POV

I don't know how to tell her. How do I tell her our mother is trying to take her away from me for good? I asked myself as I drove her back home. Our mother has been released from the mental hospital and has filed to get her parental rights back. I recently got a letter saying that if she can't have Carly no one can. I am scared our mother will take it as far as potentially hurting Carly if she doesn't get custody.

I hate being so over baring and overprotective but I feel like this is the only way of keeping her safe. I trust her but it's hard to let her walk out the door alone knowing our mother could come and hurt her at any point. Should I tell her or should I wait until this blows over? I asked myself before coming to the conclusion to just tell her since she's going to find out eventually. I walk over to her room and knock on the door but don't get an answer I start to panic.

I opened her door to see she wasn't there. I start to panic even more when I noticed the window open. "Pip squeak? Carly where are you?" I shouted looking around the house before I heard the bathroom door open and saw my sister come out with a towel on her head. She obviously just had come out of the shower and she's giving me a concerned look. I ran up to her and gave her a hug feeling relived that she was safe. Before I could say anything she pushed me away.

"Wilbur what the hell is your problem? You've been acting weird for weeks and it's driving me crazy that you won't tell me." She snapped and I felt horrible, I didn't know she was feeling this way. "Look Carly I didn't want to tell you this until it was handled but you deserve to know. Our mother was released from the hospital and is taking me to court to get you back." I explained and saw her expression change.

"She also threatened that if she couldn't have you no one could." I added and I saw the fear in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I-I would have been a lot less mean towards you for getting overprotective. Wil this is something I needed to know." She cried as she processed my words. I tried to give her a hug but she pushed me away. "William this is something I needed to know. Did you think you could hide this from me forever?" She asked now pissed off.

"Look I was just trying to protect you." I stated trying to explain myself. "How would you feel if she would have done something before you told me huh?" She snapped and I felt guilty. "Pip squeak-" Before I could finish she cut me off. "Don't pip squeak me, I can't believe you didn't trust me enough with information that I needed to know." She is now raising her voice a bit. I don't know why hearing her raise her voice made me angry but it did and I snapped.

"Carly I didn't want you to worry. I didn't need you to get the night terrors again. I wanted you to keep living your life and not retreat to your room like you did when you and Tubbo broke up." I shouted getting frustrated that she's not seeing where I'm coming from. She flinched at my tone and she started crying. "Carly I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout" I said hugging her and she cried into my chest.

"I'm scared Wil, I'm scared she's going to take me back." She cried and I hugged her tighter while petting her hair. "It's okay pip squeak that's not going to happen I promise. The fact that she was sent to a mental institution will help us in the case alright. I also will still take you to and from school or have Tubbo come and get you alright?" I told her and she nodded her head. "Good, now go to sleep you have school in the morning." I said and watched as she walked into her room.

Carly's POV

I walked into my room and decided to FaceTime Toby since I was about to go to sleep. "Hello love" He greeted when it connected. "Hey bee, do I have a story to tell you" I said as I tied my hair into a bun. "Why, what happened?" He asked and I began to explain what just happened between my brother and I. When I finished the story I noticed he didn't really react to what I said. At first I thought he was processing the words when he just changed the subject completely.

He didn't even comment on it and I was confused. "What why are you staring at me like that?" He asked and it finally clicked. "You knew" I whispered but he looked at me confused. "Holy shit you knew and you didn't tell me" I said in disbelief while he just looked at me with guilt. "Love I-I wanted to tell you but it wasn't my place. I didn't know about the note thing I promise. If I knew that part I would have told you since it was a threat." He explained but I felt hurt.

"I'll talk to you later Tubbo" I said and I knew he knew I was upset since I only call him Tubbo when I'm upset at him or when he's streaming. "Please love don't be upset at me. I told Wil to tell you sooner than later but he didn't listen" He tried to keep me on the phone. "I have an exam tomorrow so I need my sleep bye" I said on the verge of tears. "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you" He said goodbye. "Bye bee" I ended the call and I put my phone on the charger.

I text him telling him I love you since I felt guilty for not saying I love you on the phone. I laid in bed for a few hours staring at the ceiling just thinking about the possibility that my mum could win custody of me. I checked my phone seeing that it was half past two in the morning and I couldn't sleep so I decided to go over to my brother's room. I knocked on my brother's door then I heard a faint but groggy come in. I walked in and asked something I haven't since we were kids.

"Hey Wil, I uh I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you?" I asked and even though it was dark I could see his shocked expression. "Of course come on" He said and scooched over so I could fit. "I'm sorry I'm doing this Wil." I apologized but he just ruffled my hair a bit. "Don't worry about it pip squeak, now this makes it easier for me to check on you tonight." He joked and he turned over to go back to sleep. Hearing his snores made me sleepy and it didn't take long before I fell asleep.


Word Count: 1208

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