Chapter 31

479 11 6

Carly's POV

Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, and I are goofing about on our way to George's flat when Tommy screeched. "What's the matter Tommy?" I asked and he turned his camera towards the three of us. "WE SHOULD GO AND SEE MY BELOVED" I looked at him dumb founded before Ranboo and Toby start laughing. "Who?" I questioned still confused. "LIZZY MY BELOVED" Once he said that I knew who he was talking about and I started laughing.

I am nearly in tears from laughing so hard. "Well I mean come on man Buckingham Palace is literally on the way to George's" He then gave us a pleading look. "Who are we to deny true love" Ranboo joked and I snorted starting another laughing fit. "Exactly thank you Ranboo" We then start our decent towards the palace. "LIZZY MY LOVE" Tommy shouted and started to hang on the gate to the palace.

"Tommy get down there's literally men with guns" Toby said pulling on Tommy's green jumper. "But my love is in there" He said getting off the gate. At this point I'm recording the scene that the two boys are creating and I panned the camera over to Ranboo. "It has been a total of 3 minutes since we got here and they are already bickering like an old married couple" I just laughed at his statement but the two boys heard.

"OH FUCK YOU RANBOO" "I know where you sleep at night boss man and I have scissors." Ranboo and I are wheezing at this point when Tommy took his phone from me. "ALRIGHT LETS GO SEE GOGY" He shouted and we started our venture to George's place. "Tommy, George knows we're coming right?" I asked getting nervous as the four of us exit the lift and start walking towards his flat. He didn't respond and we kept walking.

I have a bad feeling about this. I thought to myself and I took Toby's hand in mine. He smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. As we walked to George's door I heard Tommy let out a weird heavy breath. (We all know what that sounds like) He knocked on the door and we were all shocked when we saw who answered the door. "DREAM?!" We all said in shock upon seeing a shirtless Dream standing in the doorway.

"Uhhh hey guys" He said also in shock before calling for George. "What the fuck are you guys doing here?" George asks in shock. "Tommy he didn't know we were coming?" I asked in shock giving him a disappointed look. "I thought it would be a fun surprise for my vlog" He stated defensively and I saw George's eyes widen now noticing Tommy recording. "Tommy that cannot be in the vlog." George stated with his arms crossed.

"Well yeah I know that since Dream answered the door." Tommy said sassily. "No I mean I don't want to be in the vlog either. I swear to god Tommy I will be real upset if I find this anywhere." George said and I could see the panic in his eyes. "I promise I will not include this in the vlog." He said and the four of us left after apologizing. "Tommy this is why you ask people before you just show up to their apartment"

Ranboo said which caused Toby to yell flat and Tommy rolled his eyes. "I can't believe DNF is real" Tommy laughed as we entered the lift. We all laughed a bit still kind of in shock since this whole situation is bazar. The rest of the lift ride was silent before we exit the building. "What do we do now?" Toby asked walking over to my side and grabbed my hand. "Well because I am an awesome vlogger I have a back up plan."

"We could go to the park and just do a chill vlog." He said and we walked over to the park. "I love this park, it's so pretty" Toby said to me and I smiled at him. I took his word for it since I have never been but was in shock upon seeing the cute little park. He just smiled bigger seeing my reaction. "See I told you" He held my hand and we unknowingly walked a bit ahead of Ranboo and Tommy. 

"Ew look at that girlfriend haver" Tommy tried to whisper but I don't think that child knows what a whisper is. Toby and I giggled before we both lifted up our hands that are not connected and flipped him off. I heard Ranboo start laughing and Tommy grumbled a "Fuck you" at us. Toby grabbed the phone from Tommy and started to record him. "How does it feel?" Toby asked and Tommy looked at him confused. "How does what feel Tubbo?"

"How does it feel to be alone with your thoughts?" Ranboo and I look at him confused while Tommy just dies laughing. "You scare me sometimes Tubso" He said before taking the camera from him. As the four of us are goofing off for the vlog we see Dream and George jog over to us. "Woah Tommy what are you doing here?" George asked using his recording voice so we knew he was comfortable being filmed.

"GOGY YOU ARE HERE FINALLY" He shouted and the now six of us laugh. Dream and I tried to stay out of frame just chatting about little things while the rest of the boys continued with the vlog. "Hey, how have you and Tubbo been?" Dream asked as we sat on a bench nearby. "We are doing good. So when did you get here?" I asked looking at Dream. "W-well technically I haven't left. I decided to stay longer since I didn't really spend time with George." He said going red. 

I looked at him in shock. "You've been here for two months and nobody knows?" I asked in shock. "Well I mean you four know now and I'm sure word will spread since Tommy doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut." He jokes and I laughed. "Wait you said you didn't get to spend time with George when at the meet up you and George were practically attached by the hip." I said processing his words.

"I-I w-well you know what, it doesn't matter" He stuttered and I smiled knowing what was going on. "Okay either one you have a crush on Gogy or two you and George are a thing and don't want people to know right now" I said trying to connect the dots. He just goes red again. "How are you so smart child?" He laughed before confirming that him and George are in a relationship and that I'm the only person who knows besides their family.

"I promise I will not say anything." I reassured him. "Thank you baby soot, I really appreciate it" He gave me a side hug and we watched as the four boys embarrass themselves in public.


Word Count: 1171

I decided to add a little DNF because it is good for the soul - Author CV

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