Chapter 20

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I don't know if these are triggers but I'm just going to put a warning just in case: Mentions of not eating or sleeping.

Carly's POV

I have been miserable all week and it has shown in everything I do. My grades have dropped a bit, I hardly want to get out of bed, I don't get much sleep, and I haven't been eating much. Wilbur has been trying to get me to eat but I just tell him I've already eaten. We both know that's not really the truth. The most I've eaten are 2 oat bars. It is a Friday and I'm walking out of the gates just wanting to get home quickly where I can take a shower and just stay in bed all day.

Great it's raining, could my day get any better? I complained to myself. As I'm making my way home I swear heard someone shouting my name, It sounded like Toby but I doubt it. I ignore it thinking it's just my imagination when I heard it again so I turned around. 

Tubbo's POV

I was quickly trying to get to Carly's school. My sisters were talking about some stuff with me when I noticed the time so I had to run part of the way there, it didn't help it was raining. When I get there I notice Carly about to turn the corner towards her and Wilbur's place so I started running again. I shouted her name when she was in ear shot but she didn't react. I shouted it again and she turned around. My chest tightened when I noticed dark bags under her eyes.

It looked like she hasn't slept in a while. As fast as she turned around to face me is just as face as she turned away from me. It hurt knowing she doesn't want anything to do with me. "Carly please listen. I did-" Before I could even finish she turned around with tears in her eyes. "No you listen Toby. You hurt and broke me. I haven't felt the same since you've said those awful things. I don't want your apology, I don't want to see you."

"I'm just listening to what you've said and I'm leaving you alone for good" She cried walking away from me. "Please, I don't think you are clingy and I don't want you to leave me alone" I said grabbing her wrist trying to get her to stay. She just pulled her arm away and turned to face me again. "Then why say it? Why tell me I'm clingy? Why tell me to leave you alone if you didn't mean it? I have done nothing but love and appreciate you."

"I came to check up on you and make sure you were okay when you didn't show up or answer my text. I should have just went home and just leave you be. That was my mistake" She said. I could tell I hurt her more than I realized. "Carly I didn't mean it. I love you so-" She cuts me off again. "Don't say that!" She shouted, her tears falling faster. "Why? It's the truth. I will do everything in my power to make it up to you because I love you." I said now on the verge of tears because my attempts of trying to get her back isn't working.

"Don't say that please. I don't know how to feel and you saying that makes me want to say it back. It makes me want to hug you and forgive you but I can't. You broke me that day Toby. I don't know if I will be able to just take you back just because you came and apologized. If you really do love me and if you really are sorry I need you to prove it" She said. At this point we are both soaked head to toe while crying. 

I hated seeing her like this, but she's right. If I wanted her to know how much I love her and I didn't mean a thing I said I would have to prove it. I just grabbed her wrist again and pulled her into a kiss. It was short and sweet but I tried to put all my love into it. For me it felt just like the first time we kissed. When we pulled apart she has a dark red blush on her face. All she could do was smile and she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. I promise you, it was never my intention to hurt you. I was so stressed with streaming and YouTube, I took it out on you but I didn't mean it." I said hugging her tightly not wanting to let go in fear she will just leave me again. "It's okay, I just never want to feel that way again. I'm sorry if I am too clingy" She said pulling away from the hug. "No don't you apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for. You are not and never will be clingy." I reassured her.

We ran back to her and Wilbur's place trying to get out of the rain. Good thing her book bag is waterproof other wise I would feel bad that all her papers, notebooks, and books were ruined. When we got to her house she quickly opened the door and got us some towels. She also grabbed me a pair of Wilbur's joggers and the yellow hoodie I left here. "You can go change in the bathroom. Leave your clothes in the sink so I can put them in the dryer." She stated handing me the dry clothes. 

Carly's POV

Once he left to the bathroom I went over to my room and changed into a green oversized jumper with some black joggers. I put on some socks before I put my hair into a bun. When I left my room I saw Toby on the couch so I went to the bathroom and grabbed his clothes. I threw them in the dryer along with my soaked uniform before starting it and going back to the lounge. When I got there Toby pulled me into a hug, he pulled away and decided to lie down on the couch. 

He brought me down with him so I'm laying on his chest and he started playing with my hair. We just laid there in silence before I felt him kiss my head. "I love you so much and I'm really sorry for what I said" I felt his arm move and pull something out of his pocket. I sat up and saw it was the bee necklace. He handed it to me and I put it back on. "It's okay Toby, I forgive you" I smiled slightly before laying back down on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. 


Word Count: 1146

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