Chapter 4

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Carly's POV

I woke up to the feeling of not getting enough oxygen. I open my eyes to see my brother laying on me. "William get your fat arse off me" I said struggling to breathe. "That not very nice. I'm literally taking you to see your boyfriend today." He said somehow getting heavier. "Toby is not my boyfriend." I said finally managing to roll him off of me. "Funny I never mentioned Toby's name." He said with a smug smile once he stood up.

I just blushed a dark red before covering my face in the blankets. "Awwww you have a crush on Tubbo." He said which caused me to groan and roll over so my back was facing him. "Pip get up and take a shower we leave in two hours." Will stated before ripping the blankets off of me but because I wrapped myself into a blanket burrito I fell off the bed. "Good you're up, now get your stuff and get your smelly arse in the shower." He ordered throwing my duvet at me.

I flipped him off, took my clothes and walked into the bathroom where I took a fast shower. Once I got out I changed before doing my hair.

I blow dried my hair and curled it a bit before styling it so it looks cute but it's not in the way

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I blow dried my hair and curled it a bit before styling it so it looks cute but it's not in the way.

I blow dried my hair and curled it a bit before styling it so it looks cute but it's not in the way

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After that I brushed my teeth and did my make up before walking out of the bathroom.

After that I brushed my teeth and did my make up before walking out of the bathroom

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"Good you're out I was just about to start knocking. Go get some toast before putting on your shoes, we leave in five minutes." Wilbur said before taking our bags to the car. I quickly eat before walking back into my room and grabbing my white high top Converse, quickly lacing them up. 

I then grabbed my phone putting in my pocket before I grab my charger, throwing it in my backpack along with my laptop and it's charger

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I then grabbed my phone putting in my pocket before I grab my charger, throwing it in my backpack along with my laptop and it's charger. I quickly grab my earphones off my chest of drawers before making my way out of the house. "PIP" He yelled not knowing I was rounding the corner. "Jesus Will I'm right here." I said covering my ears. "Oh sorry, come on it's time to go." He apologized patting my head.

I just nod my head and walk to the car while Wilbur locked the house. I got inside before plugging in my earphones listening to King For A Day by Pierce The Veil on full volume. (I added the song up top if you want to take a listen) As I was vibing I felt Will nudge me with his elbow. I paused the song and looked at him seeing his wide eyed expression. "What?" I questioned giving him a confused look.

"How are you not deaf? Half the song is screaming and you're just bobbing your head. How are your ears okay?" He asked in disbelief. "When did you get into that genre of music?" He added. "Will I've been listening to this music for years." I laughed. "Okay but damn, how can you handle Pierce The Veil screaming yet you can't stand Tommy screaming?" My brother jokes. "See there's an easy explanation, Pierce The Veil isn't annoying, Tommy is."

I joked which made him and I laugh. "Just play it a but quieter just to get your attention." He requested. "I'll do you one better." I said turning it down some and removing the right earphone so I could hear him. I smile while giving him two thumbs up before pressing play and beginning to vibe once more.

Time Skip

I woke up when I felt the car turn off. "Woah when did I fall asleep?" I asked groggily looking around to see we arrived at the Airbnb. "Right after you told me that you loved a song called Shadow Moses. You were singing along quietly, then you just went silent. I looked over and you were asleep." He questioned. "Oh, makes sense." I joked, causing him to laugh. "So before we head in I never told you who else was coming did I?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"You already know Tommy and Tubbo are coming. So is Niki, Fundy, Phil, Phil's wife Kristin, Dream, and George." He said. "Okay um I only know Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo" I said fidgeting with my fingers. "Don't worry I'll introduce you to everyone, I promise all of them are nice." He said before we got out of the car. We grabbed our luggage and walked into the house where I noticed we were the first ones here. "Woah this place is huge" I said as I looked around.

"Well Dream said we need a big house if we wanted to fit 10 people." He explained as we set our bags down in the lounge. "Do you know when Tommy and Tubbo will get here Will?" I asked turning around to see my brother texting. "Tommy is going to meet us at the lunch spot and Tubbo's mum is supposed to be dropping him off soon." He answered looking up from his phone and down at me. "Okay I'm just going to watch something on Netflix until he gets here I guess."

I said digging into my backpack pulling out my laptop. "Okay pip squeak, I'm going to walk around and explore the house a bit." "Okay have fun." I said putting on Criminal Minds.


Word Count: 982

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