Chapter 24

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I wanted to say thank you for 3k! I actually cried when I saw the 3k. I honestly didn't think anyone would read it so again thank you! - Author CV

Carly's POV

It's Wednesday and Wilbur should be home any minute. I'm currently wrapping up making lunch for him when I heard the lock click and the door open then close. I rushed over to the door to see my brother looking exhausted. I ran over to him and gave him a hug. "Welcome home Wil, did you have fun?" I asked pulling away from the hug. "Hello pip squeak, yeah I did. Niki was upset I didn't bring you with me." He said with a bit of a chuckle.

"What? Niki was there?" "Yeah, I didn't know she was going so you can't be mad at me" He laughed at my pouty expression ruffling my hair. "Well I made you a sandwich, I hope that's okay?" I said as we walked over to the lounge. "Yes, I'm actually starving" I just gave him a smile before I happily walked to my room and collapse on my bed.

TW: Parental Neglect and abuse.

It's been two hours and Wil is asleep in his room when I heard a knock on the front door. I quickly make my way over and open the door to be met with my father. I was stood there in shock before he tried to push his way in. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I shouted and I heard Wilbur come running out of his room as our father pushed his way past me. "What the fuck do you want?" Wilbur questioned angerly while also pulling me behind him protectively.

"I'm here for my daughter. Your mother wants her back and I will be taking her. Carly go get your stuff together." Wilbur and I looked at him dumbfounded. Is he stupid? Has he not forgotten he didn't want me? I asked myself. "Absolutely not! You wanted her gone and I took her in. I have legal guardianship over her. You signed over your parental rights. You are not taking her."

Wilbur looked so mad. I don't blame him he knows I want nothing to do with our parents especially our father. "You have no say son. We are her parents we have rights too you know." "No you HAD rights. You signed those away when you signed those LEGAL documents." Wilbur clapped back getting more angry as this argument progresses. "William please, your mother will leave me if I don't bring Carly home. She was so upset that I had her sign those documents."

"She never wanted to but I did. You think I want her back? No I just want your mother to stay with me." Wilbur looked like he was going to kill. "You have three seconds to leave my house before I call 999!" Wilbur shouted, at this point I was silently sobbing in the corner behind Wil. Our father gave Wil a dirty look before leaving. Wilbur then went to the door and locked it. He gave me a hug trying to calm me down.

"Don't worry pip squeak, I'll never let them take you." I just hugged him tighter. "Hey I'll call Tubbo and see if he can come over okay?" He said before he helped me up and I went to my room and continued to cry. I just got rid of the night terrors now they are probably going to come back. I don't want to go back. I have actually lived now that I'm with Wilbur. He actually treats me as a person and not just a thing taking up a room in a house.

Wil wouldn't let them take me. He loves me too much to put me through that again. I know he feels guilty for not seeing the way they treat me and taking me away from them sooner. I appreciate everything my brother has given me and has done for me. I feel like if I was actually sent off to France I probably would have gone crazy. I thought to myself. I got a chill up my spine thinking about what it would have been like living in France.

I have no idea who the Johnson's are. What if they did awful things to me or treated me worse than my parents did?  I hadn't realized how much time had passed until I heard my door open and I saw Toby walk in before he engulfed me in a hug. "Wilbur told me what happened. Are you alright love?" He asked as he sat down next to me. "I've been better" I sniffed and Toby wiped away my tears.

"It's okay my love, I'm here and they aren't going to take you away from me." I smiled and blushed at his words. He kissed the top of my head before I pulled him in for another hug. "I love you Toby" I said pulling away from the hug. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "You know I love you more than anything. Now lay down and try and get some sleep, it's late" He said gently running his fingers through my hair.

Tubbo's POV

What kind of parents do you have to be to not only give your child away then try and get them back only to keep your marriage? You have to be some real piece of shit to even think about that. I thought to myself as I watch Carly's chest rise and fall softly. I took my phone out and sent Ranboo a text letting him know I'll be back tomorrow before I lay down next to Carly and put my arm around her middle pulling her into me.

Our legs tangle together and I kiss the top of her head before I felt myself start to get tired. I don't know what I would do without her. I almost lost her once, I won't let some awful parents take her away from me. That's the last thing I thought before I drifted off to sleep.


Word Count 1020

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