Chapter 13

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Carly's POV

Toby and I finished dinner and we are on our way over to a park nearby hand in hand. "Why didn't Wil just pick us up at the sushi place?" I asked. "I asked him not to, I wanted it to just be us a little bit longer since when we get back there will be people around. I mean I have two surprises, one you will get when we are at the park and the other will be when we get back." He stated excitedly.

I just smiled at him looking over to him to see he was also smiling at me. It took a few minutes before we reached the entrance to the park. "This place is so lovely" I stated, seeing all the flowers and trees in the pinky orange light from the sunset. " I know, I didn't think it was going to be this beautiful." He said as we continued our venture through the park. "ooo look a swing set come on Tubs" I said excitedly before I pulled him over towards them.

"You're such a child" He laughed as we ran over to the swings. "I haven't been on swings in a long time" I said as I sat down. "Here let me push you" He said getting behind me. "There's two swings though" I said as he started to push me softly. "I know but I'm not really in the swinging mood" He stated before pushing me a little higher. 

After a few minutes I stopped him. "It's your turn now Tubs" I said getting off the swing. "No I'm heavy" He whined. "Oh shush and get on the swing" I joked. He laughed getting on the swing. As I was pushing him a skinny black box fell from his pocket. "Tubs something fell from your pocket." I said pointing to it. "Oh right, that's for you" I picked it up and saw it was a necklace box. "Go on open it." He said, he's now standing in front of me with a huge grin on his face.

When I opened it up I saw it was the bee necklace I saw at that shop in the shopping centre. "T-toby you didn't- oh my god Toby you really didn't need to get me this. It was so expensive" I said in shock. "But I did need too. You looked so happy when you saw it and I got it engraved. Look at the back" His smile somehow getting bigger. I turn it around and saw You're the honey to my bee - Tobee  engraved on it. 

I smiled up at him. "Tubs I love it, thank you so much" I gave him a hug before pulling him into a short but sweet kiss. "Here let me put it on you" I turned around and moved my hair so he could put it on me. "Is it too tight?" He asked. "No it's perfect" I said turning to face him before I pulled him into another kiss. "No no no Tubbo get your lips off my sister!" I heard Wilbur yell. We jumped apart with dark red blushes on our faces.

I look over to my right and see Wil parked next to the curb. "Wil can you just shut up please" I said embarrassment written all over my face. Wil and Toby just start laughing uncontrollably. "Can we just go before I die of embarrassment" I groaned as Toby and I got into the back of his car. When we arrived back at the house Tubbo took my hand and guided me to the garage where I saw that he set up a little movie room with my favorite movies and sweets on the floor with a pretty awesome pillow fort.

"Woah w-what is this?" I asked in awe of how adorable this is. "I did this for you. I wanted to make tonight special for you." He blushed scratching his head. I smile and gave him a kiss on the cheek before he pulled me over to the pillow fort. We got in and he put on the first movie. As we were watching he pulled me closer to him where my head was in his lap and he was playing with my hair. "Hey Carly?" "Yes" I replied turning over so I'm looking up at him.

 I saw pink blush form on his face. "I um, wow why am I so nervous? I'm going to say this really fast so I don't chicken out. Will- wow this is a hard question to ask. Tommy and I went over this like 10 times last night" He was just rambling on and I couldn't help but giggle. "Here how about I ask my question first okay?" I suggested knowing what question he was asking. "Okay" He smiled and I sat up. "Toby will you be my boyfriend?" I saw a weight be lifted off his shoulders. 

"Of course, I was so nervous. I don't know why, it's not like you would have said no" He chuckled then pulled me into a hug. "Today was a good day, thank you for everything I really do appreciate it." I gave him a peck on the lips before we finished the movie. We ended up watching two movies before we decided to call it a night. Toby walked me to my room and gave me a hug. "I'll see you in the morning." He gave me a small kiss on the head before going to his room. 

I smile at him before walking to my room to see Niki on her phone laying down. When she noticed me walk in she put her phone down and sat up to look at me with a big smile on her face. "So how did it go? Wilbur told me he caught you two making out." She laughed. "It was amazing he is so special to me, and for the record we were not making out it was just a kiss." I laughed. "I'm so happy for you two. So did he man up and ask the question?" She asked. 

"No, he was really nervous so I asked." I laughed a bit. "You go girl" she giggled before giving me a high five. I smiled and got my clothes together before getting dressed. "Good night Niki" "Good night Carly" With her words I drifted off into a peaceful sleep dreaming about my future with Tubbo.


Word Count: 1076

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