Chapter 32

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Holy shit thank you all for 8k! It is so bazar that 8 thousand of you have read this book - Author CV

Carly's POV

My brother has been acting weird around me all week. It's currently Thursday and Wil has been taking me to then from school everyday so far. He also wouldn't let me out of his sight when we were out in public. We went out for dinner yesterday and I excused myself to the toilet when I exited I saw my brother waiting for me outside. Every time I would ask my brother what the matter was he would just say it was nothing and I knew he was lying.

I'm currently sitting under a tree with Cameron during lunch break telling him all of this. "I don't know that sounds weird. Maybe he's starting to get overprotective?" He suggested and I shook my head. "I don't know but he's starting to weird me out. I love my brother but this is really making me uncomfortable." I said. "Yeah I don't know Carly" He said before the bell signaled the end of the lunch period.

Time Skip

Cameron and I are making our way to the front gates when I noticed Toby and Ranboo waiting for me. "What the fuck are they doing here?" I asked and Cameron looked at me confused. "Toby what are you and Ranboo doing here?" I asked when Cam and I walked over to them. I gave Toby a hug and a kiss before giving Ranboo a hug. "Wilbur asked us to walk with you to my house since he's busy in London." Toby explained and then noticed Cameron standing by me.

I followed his eyes and introduced them. "Oh right, Cameron this is my boyfriend Toby and our friend Ranboo, Toby, Ranboo this is Cameron my friend." They exchanged greeting before I said goodbye to Cameron. As the three of us walked to Toby's house I started asking questions. "Okay you both know how much I love you guys, why are we heading over to your place instead of mine?" I asked

"Well Wilbur called me and asked if I can take you to my place since he'll be in London all day, I don't get it either since he's been okay with you staying home by yourself in the past." He explained. "And I just felt like coming with" Ranboo said. "Have you noticed Wil being a bit strange around me? We FaceTime every night, you have to of seen or noticed something." I asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Well you did tell me about the incident at the restaurant, but other than that I haven't noticed anything off" He said after he thought about it for a second. "How could you not? He literally asked her to go to the store with him before you two hung up last night. He usually tells her he is going to the store and he'll be back." Ranboo added and I gave Toby an I told you so look. "See he sees it" I pointed out and Toby again took a second to think.

"You're right he did say that." He remarked as he remembered. "I just don't know what has gotten into him. He's never done this before, I've had a lot more freedom since I've been living with him." I stated before we rounded the corner to Toby's house. As we walked through his house I noticed it was really quiet. "Where is everyone?" I asked as we walked to his part of the house.

"Oh my parents are visiting my nan and grand dad, while Lani and Teagan are at friends houses." He said as Ranboo and I sat on the sofa while he sat at his desk. "Well I'm going to stream some VR okay" He said as he started setting up. "Hey I'm going to change, do you still have the pair of leggings and the top I left here?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Yeah they're in the middle drawer." He said pointing to his chest of drawers.

I took the clothes to his bathroom to change before walking back into the room. I noticed Ranboo in his mask and glasses while Toby had the VR headset on clearly talking to chat. Toby must have started streaming while I changed. I thought to myself as I walked past them over to his bed. He must of been playing a horror game because he was whining a lot and I heard him scream a few times. I was sitting on his bed doing homework when my phone buzzed.

I looked at my phone and noticed my brother text me. ( Wilbur , Carly )

Bruber William

Hey I'm a few minutes away from Tubbo's house, so be ready.

Alright, I'll start saying my goodbyes

Good, I'll see you in a bit pip squeak

See you in a bit Wil

Read at 5:42 PM

I started to put my stuff away into my book bag before motioning for Ranboo to come here so I can give him a hug without being on stream. "Hey Wil is on his way so I'll see you later." I said then gave him a hug. "Okay I'll talk to Tubbo's chat so you can say goodbye." He said before going over to Toby. Just as he said he would, Ranboo started to talk to Toby's chat while Toby took the headset off and walked over to me.

"What's the matter?" He asked as I gave him a hug. "Nothing, Wilbur is on his a few minutes away so I wanted to say bye." I explained and gave him a kiss once we pulled away from the hug. "Awe, okay love. I'll call you when I'm done streaming okay" I smiled and nodded my head yes before he gave me another hug and kiss. As I'm lacing up my shoes I heard a honk outside and figured it was Wil. I gave the boys one last wave before leaving his house.

I walked outside to see Wilbur's car parked in the driveway. I quickly get into the car and Wilbur gives me a hug. "Uh Wil, are you okay?" I asked once we pulled away. "Yeah I'm fine, just glad to see you're safe." He said and I gave him a confused look. "I get that Toby and Ranboo can be a bit chaotic but they would never endanger my life." I joked and Wilbur didn't laugh, he didn't even smile. "That's not what I meant Carly" He said sternly which confused me.

"Wil are you sure everything is fine?" I asked and he shot me a glare. I dropped the subject and he started driving. This isn't my brother. Something definitely happened and he won't tell me. But why is he being super overprotective and worrying about me? I'm fine so what's up with him? I thought to myself while looking out the window, watching the houses we passed.


Word Count: 1164

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