Chapter 23

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Tubbo's POV

I woke up to Carly humming quietly and I turned over to look at her. She was sat on the floor with one of my hoodies on with some papers scattered in front of her. "What are you doing love?" I asked my voice gravely since I just woke up. "Oh just doing some homework and organizing some papers since my book bag is a mess." She said looking up at me. "Do you need any help? I could help you organize if you'd like?" I offered.

"Sure if you want, don't feel like you have too. I can do it myself." She replied writing down in her notebook. "Okay I'll be right back, let me brush my teeth and I'll help you out." I quickly brushed my teeth then made my way back to my room to see Carly still working. "What are you working on now love?" I questioned as I sat next to her. "Just some physics. My teacher wants us to write an essay on why physics is important".

"It frustrates me since I have to write an essay for my English and advanced history class. Even worse all teachers want it hand written not typed." She let out a sigh of frustration before continue to scribble down stuff angerly. "Don't stress about it, I know you'll do a great job." I praised her before grabbing some of the papers in front of her and started to neatly put them into piles based on what subject they are from.

Time Skip Still Tubbo's POV

Carly and I just finished getting her school bag organized. "Thanks for helping me Tobs I really appreciate it." She smiled laying her head in my lap. We are still sitting on the floor and I am now raking my fingers through her long hair. "No problem, want to go and grab food?" I asked looking down at her. "Yes please. I have to shower will you be okay getting it yourself?" She smiled sweetly at me. "Okay I'll be back soon I promise." I gave her a quick peck on the lips before getting up and heading towards the nearest fast food place. 

Carly's POV

I quickly sent a text to Ranboo saying that Toby left and that this is the perfect time to make his way over. Ranboo and I have been planning to surprise him early since Toby thinks Ranboo is coming down next week. Ranboo arrived last night and only Wilbur and I know since when he landed he came over to my house and was only staying there until I was able to get Toby out of the house. I let Lani and Teagan in on our plan so they weren't confused on what's happening.

A few minutes later we hear the door bell. I practically ran down the stairs excitedly quickly opening the front door seeing a very tall enderman standing outside. "Holy shit Ranboo you're tall" I said looking up at him. He chuckled a bit calling me small and I gave him a playful glare. We exchange hugs and I brought him over to Toby's side of the house. "So Toby just text me saying he's three minutes away. God I'm so excited to see his reaction."

"He's been talking about this meet up for weeks." I said smiling at him who is now sitting at Toby's desk. "I'm excited too. He is my best friend and I know this trip is going to be fun." Ranboo said checking his phone before we heard the front door open. "Carly love I'm back." We heard Toby shout and I sat on Toby's bed so that when he opens the door and walks in he'll just see Ranboo. 

"I'm in your room" I shout back before I heard Toby's footsteps getting louder. "So I got us- what the fuck" He cuts himself off looking at the tall male at his desk. "What's up man" Ranboo greeted while spinning in the chair casually almost laughing at the shocked expression on Toby's face. "Surprise it's Ranboo" I said giggling at his reaction. "You're not supposed to be here until next week." He said confused.

"Oh I know but Carly and I thought it would be fun to surprise you so I got an earlier flight to the UK." He explained standing up to give Toby a hug. Toby returned the hug still processing everything. 

Sorry it's another Time Skip

It's nearly midnight; Ranboo, Toby, Lani, Teagan, and I are in the lounge watching a movie. It was a comedy so we are all laughing at the stupid funny jokes the characters would make. Ranboo, Toby, and I were sitting on the floor while both boys fell asleep on me. I was sitting with my back against the sofa while Toby was fast asleep on my lap, Ranboo had his back against my right shoulder and his head fell back when he fell asleep.

"Carly are you comfortable? Both boys fell asleep on you." Lani asked looking at the state that I was in. "Yeah I'm fine, we can wake them up when the movie is over." I said raking my fingers through Toby's hair. I yawned as the credits rolled and I started to wake the boys up. "Ranboo wake up mate" I shook him awake lightly. I heard him groan and he shifted until I felt him lift his head up. I shook Toby awake as well, he sat up and looked at me with tired eyes.

"What's the matter?" He asked still clearly half asleep. "You and Ranboo fell asleep on me so I'm trying to get you two in bed." He hummed in response. I took Toby and Ranboo by the hand then I guided them to Toby's room. I pulled out the roll out bed for Ranboo and fixed it for him before I watched him collapse on it, instantly falling asleep. Toby got in his bed with his back facing me and I soon followed him, feeling exhausted myself.

As I relaxed in bed he turned on his back and pulled me into him. I got closer to him and put my head on his chest. He started petting my hair softly before I felt his hand rest on my back and I heard soft snores coming from him. I whispered a goodnight to him before I let sleep take over and I drifted off to a nice, peaceful, dream land.


Word Count: 1072

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