Chapter 34

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I've gotten more motivation to write so I'm not going to end this story on chapter 40 - Author CV

Carly's POV

I sigh in relief as the bell rang signaling the end of my final class of the day. "Hey Gold, can I come over next week to study at your house? My mum is hosting a dinner party and I won't be able to study." Cameron asked as we made our way through school. "I'll have to ask my brother but I'm sure he won't have a problem with it." I replied fixing the strap on my book bag. "Yes you are a life saver." He gave me a side hug before running off in a different direction.

I roll my eyes and smile while making my way to the gates seeing Toby waiting for me. Ranboo and two other people were standing with him. "Hey bee" I greeted him giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Oh shit he wasn't joking" One of the guys said before laughing. "Carly this is Bill and Aimsey." Toby introduced me to them. "Hello Carly, Toby talks about you a lot. You are right Ranboo she does look like a short Wilbur in a wig. "Aimsey giggled before giving me a hug.

I returned the hug and smiled "Oh so you're the amazing Billzo and Aimsey Toby has told me so much about" I said seeing Bill smile widely. "Yeah I am pretty amazing" He commented before we all started laughing. We chatted for a few minutes before we made our way to Toby's house. "So Carly what was it like growing up with Wilbur?" Bill asked as we are about half way to Toby's house. "Well we are nine years apart so if anything it was more him taking care of me." I said.

"Well tell us a story about teen Wilbur." Bill laughed wanting the embarrassing juicey stuff. I laughed a bit thinking about the perfect story for him. "Well this is more of a horror story than a funny one to literally everyone I told but it's funny to me and my brother." I explained before I started telling the story. "So when I was around ten or eleven so that makes Wil nineteen or twenty. Okay anyway our parents were out doing fuck all probably so Wilbur was in charge."

I set the scene before continuing. "Wilbur was being moody because from what I can remember he had plans to go out but my parents told him no. Wilbur being the smart guy he is decided fuck it I'll do it anyway since our parents wouldn't be back until later anyway. So he went out and did whatever while I was home by myself but I'm a genius so decided this would be the perfect time to prank him. I went over to my secret hiding spot which was a banger of a spot."

"Before hiding I opened up my window and thrashed my room so it looked like I got kidnapped. Anyway when he came home he ran up the stairs to check on me and I actually heard him gasp upon seeing the room. I remember hearing him running around the house calling my name before in his mind it really clicked that I was 'gone'. Before he could call our parents or the cops I came out of my spot. I could physically see the relief wash over him seeing that I was alright."

I could see the mortified looks on their faces before Toby started lauging. "Jesus Christ for payback you gave your brother a heart attack?" Ranboo asked laughing as well. "Well Toby never get on her bad side. I feel like she could get away with murder, she obviously can hide things very well." Bill joked before starting a laughing fit. "Hear that Toby? Don't fuck with me" I laughed with the others and Toby just rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Ah casa de Tubbo" Bill said as we made it to Toby's house. As everyone went inside Toby grabbed my arm before I walked in. "Hey Wilbur isn't coming for you this weekend. He's going to be with his lawyer this weekend to prepare for court and rather you be with me instead of alone." He explained and I nodded my head. "He already dropped off your overnight bag, I'm going to make room in my chest of drawers so that you can keep some clothes here since you practically live with me on the weekends anyway." He jokes and I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, that sounds like a plan bee." I said before pulling him into a hug then a kiss. "Hate to break up that heart warming moment but Billzo has started streaming and well you know how Ranboo and Bill can be." Aimsey said jump scaring us. "Holy shit Aimsey you scared the shit out of us." Toby said putting his hand over his heart. We were walking until he really processed Aimsey's words. "Wait wait wait, you said Bill was streaming?" Toby asked and she nodded her head.

He then ran over to his part of the house. Aimsey and I giggled watching him run off before we heard all three boys yelling at each other. "Oh boy we can't leave those three alone for a second huh?" I joked and she laughed. "Welcome to my world." She replied before we walked into the room to the absolute chaos they made. "Holy shit what happened?" I asked looking at the state the three boys were in. Ranboo and Toby both had Nerf guns while Billzo screamed in 'pain'.

"I'm being attacked, this is a Billzo hate crime. They are attacking me" Bill said feigning helplessness. I looked at the three of them before turning to look at Aimsey. We both had the same amused look on our faces. I then leaned over and whispered something to Aimsey. "Why do I feel like we are about to be in trouble?" Bill asked looking over at Ranboo and Toby. "I-I don't know but I don't like this." Ranboo said and Toby let out a nervous chuckle.

"Why do you guys look horrified? We were just having girl talk and we didn't want the stream to hear, you three need to chill." Aimsey lied and I smiled sweetly walking over to Toby while Aimsey happily skipped over to Ranboo. I gave her a look and she nodded before we snatched the guns from the boys and started to shoot the three boys with the foam bullets. "AH" Ranboo screamed while him and the other two boys were running around the room.

Aimsey and I were laughing really hard while watching them scatter like rats. Before I knew it I was being tackled by Toby and he was tickling me. "No Toby please I'm sorry" I wheezed as he tickled my sides. He ignored me with a giant shit eating grin on his face. "Please I surrender bee, I surrender" I said laughing with tears rolling down my face. He stopped tickling my sides and I noticed Ranboo got the other Nerf gun from Aimsey. "Alright I'm done, I'm going to change."

I whispered to Toby and he nodded his head helping me up. "Alright stream say goodbye to Carly, she is a loser and has homework to do." Toby joked and I flipped him off jokingly before climbing up the ladder leading to Ranboo and Toby's beds/ wardrobe. I head over to Toby's bed seeing my duffle bag. I took out a pair of leggings and a top before heading to his wardrobe taking out his Corpse hoodie. I then happily made my way to the bathroom to change before going back up to Toby's bed to do my homework.


Word Count: 1306

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