Chapter 16

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Wilbur's POV

I tipsly stumble into the house and place my keys on the little table by the door before I walk into the lounge to check up on my sister and Tubbo. When I peek my head through to see them asleep on the sofa. "Awe" I whispered softly before grabbing a blanket and carefully placing it on them. I saw the TV was still on and playing a Marvel movie. I turned it off and walked into the kitchen to see a half eaten pizza on the counter.

I smile and grab a slice before making my way over to my room to stream some Geoguesser. "Hello chat how is everyone tonight?" I asked my voice a little bit quieter than my normal speaking voice. I looked over and saw a lot of goods and greats. I got a donation asking why I was kind of whispering. "Erm, Tubbo came over to hang out with my sister Carly and they fell asleep watching a movie" I explained trying not to expose their relationship.

My chat started spamming cute and ship. "Chat calm yourselves they are just friends and they are minors so behave" I said before loading up the game. I streamed for an hour before saying my goodbyes and going to sleep.

Carly's POV

I woke up to the feeling of something shifting underneath me. I sat up slightly and opened my eyes to see Toby still sleeping. I smiled with a soft blush on my face before getting up off of him and put the blanket that we were covered in back on him. I stretched a bit hearing some of my bones pop and crack. I made my way over to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast for my brother and boyfriend. I made some eggs, bacon, and toast.

The smell of bacon filled the room and I heard a door open before my brother walked into the room. "Good morning pip squeak" He greeted sleepily. "Good morning brub" I smiled flipping the bacon for the last time before I put it on the plate and started beating the eggs. "How was your night out?" I asked putting the toast in the toaster. "It was fun. My mates and I went to get some dinner then went down to the pub to chill for a bit. How was your day with Tubbo?" He asked resting his head on his hand.

"It was very fun. We watched some movies and ate some pizza" I stated fixing a plate for Wil and handed it to him. "Thanks Carly" He thanked me before I heard a loud thump and Toby laughing. I walked over to the lounge to see Toby on the floor rolling around laughing. "Bee, what happened?" I asked laughing lightly at his state on the floor. "I fell off the sofa" He wheezed. "Well get up, I made us some breakfast" I said, reaching my hand out to help him up. 

He took my hand and I helped him up before guiding him to the kitchen where I had his plate already fixed for him. "Thanks love" He kissed my cheek and Wilbur sent him a death glare. "Tubbo I like you a lot mate but please don't kiss my sister in front of me. It makes me get all over protective and I don't feel like breaking your spine this early" Wilbur joked causing Tubbo to let out a nervous chuckle.

"Stop being a dick William" I let out a disappointed sigh before fixing my plate and started eating. "Wilbur my mum text me saying that she won't have the car fixed until tomorrow night, is it alright if I stay over again?" Toby asked looking up from his phone. "Of course, she does know I have a car right? I could just drop you off" My brother suggested. "Hey Wilbur shush" I joked throwing a piece of bacon at him. "I don't want him to leave" I whined finishing up my food.

"I know pip squeak but he's got to go home eventually" He stated a matter of factly putting his dishes in the sink before leaving. "I don't want to leave you either baby" He said grabbing my hand lightly. "Here I'll take your plate and do the dishes" Toby said taking my plate. "Toby no I got it" I said getting up to grab our plates from him but he just moves to the left. "Love, you just go get ready for the day and I'll do the dishes. It's no big deal now go" He laughed a little.

I sighed giving in before going to my room and grabbing some clothes. Once I got my outfit picked out I made my way over to the shower and quickly hopping in. After I finished I blow dried my hair before putting my clothes on. My outfit was feeling very grungy today so I figured I would put my docs.

 My outfit was feeling very grungy today so I figured I would put my docs

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After I got dressed I decided to style my hair up a bit before I put on some makeup

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After I got dressed I decided to style my hair up a bit before I put on some makeup.

I decided on doing a red eye look to match the boots and a dark lip to match the overall style I'm going for today

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I decided on doing a red eye look to match the boots and a dark lip to match the overall style I'm going for today.

I was making sure I was looking okay before I heard a knock on the door

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I was making sure I was looking okay before I heard a knock on the door. "Carly are you almost ready? I want to take you over to the zoo today" I heard Toby ask through the door. I opened it and saw him staring for a second before a blush rose to his cheeks. "You look really pretty. Also you look like you'd be a part of that band you like" He said laughing a bit at the end. "Do I really" I laughed "Just a bit" He chuckled. "Is that a bad thing?" I joked.

"What? Of course not. Are you kidding me you look gorgeous" He pulled me into a hug. "Okay come on let's go Wilbur is waiting for us in the car." He said pulling away before taking my hand and leading us to the car.


Word Count: 1086

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