Chapter 10

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Tubbo's POV

When we got to the beach we found a spot secluded from the other part of the beach. We put our stuff down and most of us started running to the water except for the girls. I ran back over to the girls seeing them applying sunscreen. "Hey Carly, why aren't you out in the water with the rest of us?" I asked. "I'm just going to sit and talk with the girls for a bit." She said while finishing up putting on sunscreen. "No you're not" I told her. 

She gave me a confused look. "What do you mean-" I cut her off by picking her up. "AHHHH TOBY PUT ME DOWN." She screamed while trying to squirm out of my hold as I carried her out to the water. "NO NO NO PLEASE PUT ME DOWN." She screamed again. The others were laughing and cheering me on. "Well if you insist." I said casually and her eyes went wide. "Wait Toby no I take it back, I take it back" She pleaded. "Too late" Is all I said before throwing her in the water.

I heard the guys cheering me on before she stood back up. "TOBY YOU BETTER RUN" She yelled before pushing me down into the water then took off running. "WILBUR HELP ME" She yelled running over to Wilbur. "Sorry pip squeak you declared the war you have to fight it." He said and I sprinted over to her grabbing her from behind while lifting her up. She screamed before laughing.

Time Skip

We are getting our stuff together since we've been at the beach for two hours. "So we are planning to go back to the house before going to that shopping centre alright?" George said and we got into the cars. Carly plugs in her earphones before handing me the right one. "What are you going to play for me this time?" I asked as she opened up Apple Music. "Hmm I was thinking Cruel by Elliot Lee." She said before playing the song. 

She rests her head on my shoulder and not even a minute later she falls asleep. "OI LOVE BIRDS WAKE UP" I heard Tommy shout which caused us to jump and Carly's head wacked my chin. "Oh my god Toby I'm so sorry" She said in shock while I was rubbing my chin. She then kissed my chin before she kissed my lips. "Stop doing coupley stuff before I start stabbing shit." He joked which caused us to laugh.

We got out of the car and walked over to the house. "I'm going to and fix my hair, I'll be back." Carly said then she she kissed my cheek before slightly skipping to the bathroom. "So when did you and my sister get together?" Wilbur asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "What we aren't together, I-I mean I would like us to be but I wanted to talk to you about it first." I said nervously chuckling.

"Awe how cute, yeah go for it. I'm happy for you two." He said giving me a smile and patting my shoulder before walking away. Holy shit. I thought to myself before making my way to mine and Tommy's room. I grabbed my blue hoodie and charger before heading back to the lounge.

Carly's POV

I skipped over to the bathroom and took off my swimsuit before putting the sunflower dress back on. I then took the space buns out of my hair since they were droopy and sad. I ended up putting my hair in a side pony before putting on makeup.

 I ended up putting my hair in a side pony before putting on makeup

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I then walked over to the lounge to see Tommy and Toby sitting down

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I then walked over to the lounge to see Tommy and Toby sitting down. "Are we the firsts one done again?" I asked sitting next to Tommy. "No, Dream is waiting in the kitchen" Tommy said pointing behind him. "Alright, I'll go see what he's doing." I stood up and walk over to the kitchen. "Hello Clay" I greeted sitting next to him at the breakfast bar. "Ah baby soot, how are you?" He asked. "I'm okay, and baby soot really? Is that my nickname?"

"Yes. George, Phil, Fundy, and I came up with it." He chuckled. "Hmm I guess it can stay" I joked and he rolled his eyes. "Carly, Dream, it's time to go" Toby said when he entered the kitchen. I smile getting up walking over to him, he grabbed my hand and we walked outside to the cars. The three of us got into a car with my brother and George. Tommy, Niki, and Fundy got in the car with Phil and Kristin. We started the thirty minute journey to the shopping centre.

I rested my head on Toby's shoulder and grabbed his hand before playing with it. "How are your hands way bigger than mine?" I questioned. "I don't know they just are" He replied before lacing our fingers together and kissed my head. I smiled lifting my head up to kiss his cheek before letting my head fall to his shoulder again. "Hey hey hey keep the PDA to a minimum." My brother said which caused Toby and I to blush. I just rolled my eyes and flipped him off which made Clay wheeze. Toby just stayed silent.

"She gives you the finger a lot Wilbur." George said laughing. "I'm starting to think that's the only finger on her left hand." Wilbur jokes, Toby reaches over me to pick up my left arm. "Nope, she has all five fingers on her left hand." Clay wheezed again. "Well it's obviously her favorite." Wil remarks. "Yes it is, well it's my favorite to hold up to you and Tommy." I just smile at Wilbur since he's glaring playfully at me. I pulled out my phone since I was now bored and stared an 8 ball game with Niki to pass the time.


Word Count: 1014

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