Chapter 22

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Anyone else as happy as I was when I saw bench trio on a bench? - Author CV

Tubbo's POV

Carly and I are in my room scrolling through Twitter and Tik Tok laughing at the ones we find funny. I really want to do a stream introducing her as my girlfriend. We just made up what if she's not ready for it? Should I ask her if she would be okay if we did that?  I was pulled from my thoughts when I noticed Carly snapping her fingers in front of my face. "What?" I ask confused. "Are you alright? I was talking to you but you were just staring at the wall. What's on your mind?" 

She questioned with a worried expression on her face. "Just thinking about stream ideas. I was wondering if it would be okay if we could tell my fans about us? Only if you are okay with it." "I wouldn't mind it, but I'm a bit nervous. What if they don't like me?" I could see the worried expression return and she started to fidget with the necklace I gave her. "I won't lie to you, you might get some hate but my real fans will be happy that we are happy." I said trying to reassure her. 

She thought about it for a bit before she spoke. "Okay let's do it. Just give me a few minutes to get ready." She said smiling. "Alright love I'll set up while you do that" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she got up off my bed. I watched as she grabbed some clothes and her makeup bag before she walked out of my room to the bathroom. 

Carly's POV

I quickly make my way over to the bathroom so I can make myself look more presentable. I changed into some black ripped skinny jeans and a black Harley Davidson t shirt before putting my hair into double plaits.

 I changed into some black ripped skinny jeans and a black Harley Davidson t shirt before putting my hair into double plaits

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I then applied some red makeup to match my outfit

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I then applied some red makeup to match my outfit.

Satisfied with the way I look I made my way over to Toby's office to see that he set up two chairs and the starting soon screen up

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Satisfied with the way I look I made my way over to Toby's office to see that he set up two chairs and the starting soon screen up. "Are you sure you're okay with this? We don't have to do this, I could just ask Ranboo if I can tell chat that he is coming over next week." He said looking concerned. "Yes Toby, I'm okay with this. They are going to find out sooner or later might as well let it be from us then from someone else." I smiled sitting down on the chair next to him. 

He just nodded his head before he switched the screen and began to talk to his chat. "Hello chat. I'm here with Carly. Carly say hi" "Hello" I waved at the camera. "If you don't know Carly she is Wilbur's sister and she also happens to be my girlfriend." He said wasting no time to just tell his fans. He turned towards me and smiled which caused me to smile back with a slight blush on my face. "Now I don't want to see any hate towards her because I genuinely love her".

"You lot should just be happy I'm happy, if you truly love me as a content creator. Mods if you see any hate please perm ban that user thank you." He said before telling chat that they can ask us questioned about our relationship. "Someone asked who asked who out." Toby read. "Tubbo did but I asked him to be my boyfriend because he was too nervous." I giggled when he tried protesting.

"So you are going to lie to your fans and say you asked me to be your girlfriend?" I questioned looking at him then back at chat. "Yes actually, chat I'm a very confident individual." He laughed which caused me to laugh as well. "This person wants to know where you took me for our first date" I read out. "Me being the absolute gentleman I am, I took her out for dinner then we went back to the air bnb to watch her favorite movie." I smiled at the memory of that night. "That was a really fun night. I thank you again kind sir" I joked and he gave me a hug.

"I also gave her that necklace she is wearing that day too." He said pointing to my necklace. "Yes you did, I love it and I wear it everyday. It's also engraved, am I allowed to show them?" I asked him and he nodded his head yes. I then turned it around and got close to the camera so that chat can see. "Yeah I know it's cheesy but she calls me bee how could I not." He said blushing a bit. "That's true, I call him bee all the time." I giggled before we hugged again. 

Tubbo then got a Facetime call from Tommy. "TUBBO STOP FUCKING FARMING AWES MATE" Tommy screamed into the phone before laughing. "Tommy you're just jealous that you can't farm awes with a girlfriend because you don't have one." Toby joked laughing. "OH FUCK YOU TUBBO JUST SHUT UP MAN I HAVE MY PRIMES AND WIVES" He yelled which caused me to laugh. "AND CARLY TELL WILBUR TO ANSWER HIS DAMN PHONE" He yelled once more before he hung up. 

Time Skip

Toby and I are getting ready for bed when there was a knock at his bedroom door. "Come in" He said and we saw Lani walk in. "Hey Teagan and I are going to watch a movie, you guys want to watch with us?" She asked and I look over at Toby nodding my head yes with a smile. "Sure why not, we have nothing better to do" he said and we followed Lani down to the lounge. When we sit down I see that Teagan has put on a Disney movie.

A little while into the movie Toby put his head on my chest. "Are you tired bee?" I whispered to him. He just nodded his head yes and I ran my fingers through his hair. "You can go up to bed. I promise I'll be up as soon as the movie is over." I whispered back to him and kissed his forehead. He then gets up and tiredly makes his way over to his room. "You can go join him, it won't hurt our feelings Carly." Teagan said looking over at me.

"What no, I want to finish the movie with you girls. I enjoy spending time with you two as well." I stated smiling at the girls. They smiled back and we continued the movie. About a half hour later the movie ended and we said our goodnights. I walk over to Toby's room and got into bed next to him. He turned over and put his head on my chest. I started to run my fingers through his hair before I let sleep consume me. 


Word Count: 1218

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