Chapter 21

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Tubbo's POV

Carly and I are still on the couch cuddling when she noticed it started getting late. "Can you stay here tonight? Wilbur went to go visit Fundy today and won't be back until Wednesday. I would like it if you stayed" She asked lifting her head to look at me. "Sure, let me just text Teagan and let her know. My parents left to go visit friends for the weekend so they won't be back until Sunday" I said pulling out my phone sending a quick text to my sister.

She yawned a bit feeling sleepy since I bet she hasn't had the greatest sleep since the incident. "Are you tired love?" I asked and she just nodded her head. "Well come on then" She then got up off my chest and we went over to her room. She got in her bed first then I got in next to her. Carly wasn't facing me so I wrapped my arm around her middle and we slowly drifted off to sleep.

Wilbur's POV

I'm on my way back home since my flight got canceled. I already text Fundy telling him the next available flight is tomorrow evening. He told me no worries and that he'll see me soon. I pulled into the driveway and noticed most of the lights were off. I sighed feeling bad for my sister since she is taking her and Tubbo's break up horribly. I don't blame her, I could tell she loved him. I hurried inside since it was raining and I saw an unfamiliar pair of trainers next to the door. 

Maybe she got a new pair of shoes? But these look to be a few sizes bigger than her other shoes. I thought to myself only to brush it off thinking I was just being paranoid. I went over to my room to place my bags down. After I decided to take a nap since I was tired.

Carly's POV an hour later

I woke up feeling a lot better than what I felt when I got up this morning. I smiled when I turned over seeing Toby laying down next to me still sleeping. He groaned and shifted slightly when I started to poke his face. I pouted slightly before I began to pepper his face with kisses. I saw him open his eyes and smile. "I like waking up like this" He said and pulled me into his chest. I hummed in agreement before he started tickling me.

"No Toby AH" I laughed and somehow we managed to roll off the bed and fell on the floor laughing. He then leaned in and gave me a kiss. We then heard my door swing open, we pulled away from the kiss and there stood my brother glaring daggers at Toby. Toby and I were in a compromising position so we quickly stood up. "W-wilbur what are you doing here?" I stuttered out. "I fucking live here. What is he doing here?" He asked looking very pissed.

"W-we made up and I asked him to stay since you were gone and I didn't want to be alone." I said quietly looking down. Toby was stood there looking a bit uncomfortable. "So what he just apologized and you took him back? Do you not remember what he said to you? Do you not remember how you felt after he said those things?" I could tell he was worried that I was making a mistake.

"Wilbur I-" "No no no you don't get a say in this Tubbo. I gave you one job and that was to not break my sister's heart. You guys didn't last a month before you fucked up mate" Wilbur shouted. "WILLIAM STOP IT" I yelled getting angry. I get that he is trying to protect me but I love Toby and I want to be with him. "He hurt you Carly and I'm just trying to protect you" He said getting defensive.

"I know and I appreciate that but I love him Wilbur. I love him a lot and I know he didn't mean a thing he said that day. He's also trying to make it up to me so can we please move past this argument" I said on the brink of tears since I was getting frustrated. Wilbur just rolled his eyes and walked out of my room slamming my door. "I-i'm sorry he's just being protective right now. I promise this will pass" I sighed looking a bit stressed and turning towards Toby.

"Maybe I should leave, so you two can talk things out" He said rubbing my arms up and down trying to sooth me. I shook my head "You don't have too" I said stressed and wanting to cry at this point. "No I should go love" He said pulling me into a hug. "Let me come with please? I can't stand being alone with my brother right now." I asked sadly. "Sure, let me ask Teagan to pick us up since it's still raining"

He pulls out his phone and rings his sister. I grab my over night bag and start packing some clothes. While I'm finishing up he hangs up the phone saying goodbye to Teagan. "She will be here in five minutes. Are you sure you want to come? What if Wilbur freaks out when he finds you gone?" Toby asked nervously. "I'll go talk to him" I replied before leaving my room and walking down the hall towards Wil's room. I knock on the door to hear a faint come in.

I can tell he's still a bit upset. I open the door to find him laying in his bed on his phone. "Hey I'm going to stay with Toby for a few days." I said and he looks up at me with an unamused expression. "Fine go, see if I care. I'm leaving tomorrow night anyway." He said with a scowl. "Wilbur why are you mad at me? I'm doing what my heart wants. Isn't that what you always preached to me?" 

"Hey pip squeak make sure you follow your heart because your heart will lead you to true happiness." I clapped back giving Wilbur a dirty look. He sighed putting his phone down and he stood up walking towards me. I was very confused when he gave me a hug. "I'm sorry pip squeak, I-I just don't want you to get hurt again. Seeing you in emotional pain hurt me." He held me tighter before letting go and patting my shoulder.

"Now go have fun, promise me you won't try anything stupid" He laughed and I shoved him lightly. "No promises" I laughed before we heard a honk from outside. "Carly that's Teagan, come on" Toby said holding my over night bag in one hand and taking my hand in the other. I smile before we said goodbye to my brother and ran outside hopping in the car. We greeted and thanked Teagan for the ride. "No problem guys" She replied with a smile. I smile back genuinely happy to have Toby back in my life.


Word Count: 1182

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