Chapter 15

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Time skip a few weeks

Carly's POV

The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. I sighed in relief as my third week of school finally came to an end. Thankfully it was Friday which means Toby and I would meet up. We decided it would be best if we switch off whose house we would walk to. I walked out of the massive gates and saw Toby waiting in the grass with a yellow hoodie on. "Hey love did you have a good day?" He asked when I made my way over to him.

"Mhm" I hummed in response as he pulled me into a hug. "Come on let's go" He said pulling away from the hug and taking my hand gently before we started our descent towards my house. "Have you made any friends yet?" He asked as we walked along the pavement. "No and I don't plan to. I like spending my time in the library listening to music and reading some comic books" I stated as he gently squeezed my hand. I smile at him before looking back in front of us. 

"Love, you have to make at least one friend okay? I don't want you to be alone." I could heard a twang of worry in his voice. "Tubs I'm not alone. I just prefer to be alone at school but because I can tell you are worried about me I can see what I can do about that one friend thing" I sighed giving in. "Good" He gave me a small kiss on the temple which made me blush and smile softly. It took about five more minutes before we made it to my house.

 I noticed Will's car is gone so I grab my keys from my book bag and opened the door. We walk in and I saw a note on the little table where we put our keys. I picked it up and it read 

Hey pip welcome back, hope you had a lovely day! I'm going out with a few friends today I should be back later tonight or early tomorrow morning so enjoy your day without me. Don't do anything stupid and if Tubbo comes over BEHAVE ! I put money on your card so you can order some take away if you want. 

- Love Wil 

I just chuckled lightly before crumbling up the note and tossing it in the bin. Toby went over to the lounge and sat on the couch. "Tubs I'm going to get changed out of this bloody uniform I'll be back in a bit. Also Wil left with some friends so we are alone until your Mum comes to pick you up. Here take my card and order us some take away yeah?" I informed him handing him my card.

"Sure, I'll put on South Park so we can watch that okay?" I nodded my head and made my way to my room changing into some shorts and one of Toby's hoodies he lent me last Friday. Every Friday I give back the hoodie of his I'm wearing in exchange for the hoodie or jumper he is wearing. When I go over to his house I make sure to pack a change of clothes because my uniform is uncomfortable. 

It usually consists of some joggers and comfortable shirt. I sighed in relief when I changed. Wilbur had to enroll me into a private school. I get he wants what's best for my education but a school without a uniform requirement would have been lovely. I complained to myself before walking into the lounge. Toby was laying on the sofa facing the TV, fully invested in the show.

I smile at how cute he looked before I decided to lay on top of him wrapping my arms around his torso. He looked at me for a second before kissing the top of my head and wrapping his arms around me. "I ordered us some pizza and breadsticks. Oh and I also got us each a cookie." He said before returning his attention back onto the show. I just hummed in acknowledgement also turning my attention to the show. About twenty minutes later I hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it Tubs" I said sitting up slightly. I give him a quick peck on the lips before I got up all the way and got the food from the deliveroo driver. "Thank you have a great day" I smiled at them before closing the door and locking it. "Tubbo baby come get some food" I shouted for him while setting the boxes on kitchen island. It didn't take long before I heard light but rushed footsteps coming towards the kitchen. 

"Ooooo this looks good" He commented as I put 2 slices of pizza and a breadstick on a plate and handed it to him. "mhm it looks really good" I replied back doing the same with my plate. We walked back into the lounge with our food and sat on the sofa before Toby unpaused the show. We ate in comfortable silence laughing lightly when one of the characters makes a joke. After Toby finished his breadstick I took our plates into the kitchen and hand washed them.

I put the plates back into the cupboard and grabbed the cookies bringing them back into the lounge. I handed one to Tubbo before sitting back down. "Wow these cookies are amazing" He commented with a bright smile on his face. I took a bite and groaned at the amazing taste of these cookies. We sat and joked for a while before Toby gets a call. "Oh it's my mum, I'll be right back love" He gets up and pats my head before leaving the room.

I sat in silence waiting for Toby to return when I felt my phone ding and I jump slightly before I picked it up and noticed my brother text me. (Wilbur Carly)

Bruber William

Hey pip squeak Tubbo is going to be staying the night since his mum's car broke down

Alright. Is it okay if I lend him some of your joggers so he's comfortable?

Yeah go for it. Also remember to BEHAVE CARLY!

I sighed at the absolute dorkiness of my brother when Toby happily walked back into the lounge. "Good news love, well good news in the sense I'm staying the night" He smiled sitting back down on the sofa. "I know, Wilbur just text me saying that you would." I smiled back as he pulled me into a hug. I pulled away and walked over to Wilbur's room. I walked over to his wardrobe and grabbed a pair of grey joggers before making my way back to Toby.

"Here bee, Wil said you could borrow these so you can get more comfortable." I said handing him the soft joggers. "Thank you love" He smiled grabbing them, he gave me a kiss on the cheek before going to change. When he came back he laid down on the couch and I took my place back on his chest before we slowly drifted off to sleep watching a movie.  


Word Count: 1187

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