Chapter 26

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Carly's POV

The girls and I stop at a clothing store and started looking around. I found some nice pieces I know I could add to outfits I have at home. I mostly focused on accessories such as beanies, belts, and rings since the shop didn't really have clothes that fit my style. The girls were grabbing stuff and trying them on and at one point we all picked out ridiculous outfits for one of the others and of course we tried them on and laughed at how silly we looked.

I'm honestly having a really fun time with them and I know they are having a blast too. After we finish up in that shop we decide we should go to a restaurant nearby and have lunch. The hostess greeted us and led us to a table outside. This place had a gorgeous patio and Niki was the first one to point it out. "This place is beautiful" She said to us after we placed our order and we all agreed with her.

We all chatted while we waited for our lunch when Kristin brought up the break up Toby and I had. "Carly how are you doing? Phil told me about you and Toby breaking up" She gave me a sad look. Honestly it felt like so long ago when it's not even been a week yet. "Toby? As in Tubbo?" Minx questioned looking confused. "Yes, we got together during the meet up then he said some hurtful things after but we made up so everything is good"

I commented fidgeting with my necklace. "Damn I didn't know you two were together let alone you guys breaking up." Minx replied taking a drink. "Well I'm glad you two worked it out. I couldn't imagine you or Tubbo with anyone else. But tell him if he breaks your heart again I will come and kick his butt" Kristin joked which caused all of us to laugh. "Sure thing mum" I smile. After that conversation the waiter comes with our food.

We ate while chatting about little things like how we've all been doing recently and where we should go next. "We could go to a shopping center. I know there's one nearby." Minx suggested. We all agreed and continued to have a really pleasant lunch date. "Oh god here come the boys" Niki said jokingly seeing Ranboo, Tommy, Wilbur, Toby, Phil, and a guy I've never met before. Her joke caused us to laugh and I guess Tommy heard and he turned to look in our direction.

He pointed us out to the group and they started to make their way over to us. "HELLO LADIES" Tommy shouted pointing his phone in each of our faces. We greeted them and Toby came over to me and gave me a hug. "Carly this is Jack, Jack this is Carly" Wilbur introduced me to the guy who I now know is Jack. "Nice to meet you Jack" I waved at him and he waved back. "Hello it's nice to meet you. Tubbo doesn't stop talking about you"

Jack laughed and I looked at Toby with a pink blush on both of our faces. "T-that's not true" He stuttered and the other guys gave him the 'Yeah right' look except for Ranboo he was just dying with laughter. The waiter came over to our table and handed us the check. We continued to chat with the boys while we payed until we had to leave. "Alright boys we are off to our next destination we'll talk to you all later" Kristin said getting up.

"Goodbye, It was nice to meet you Jack" I said waving at the boys as we made our way out of the restaurant. "I'LL TEXT YOU LATER" I heard Toby shout which caused me to giggle and gave him a thumbs up. "Awe you two are so cute" Minx said and the others agreed. I just smiled and thanked them before he got into the car to head to our next destination. When we got to the shopping center I saw a computer shop and saw the head set I know Toby has been wanting. 

"Hey mum can I go to that shop right quick?" I asked Kristin pointing to the shop. "Sure, we'll be at the shop right across alright?" I smile and nodded before making my way over to the shop. As I'm looking around I spot the head set and make my way over to the shelf. "Holy shit, Carly is that you?" I heard someone say. Confused I turned around and saw someone from my old school. We used to hang out with the same group but he was always weird around me.

"Wow Adrian it's good to see you" I said giving him an awkward wave. "Couldn't bother to say goodbye or send a text saying you were moving?" He said giving me a frown. "I'm sorry. I moved in with my brother after some issues with my parents and I changed my number. I'm so sorry, everything moved so fast it honestly was a bit traumatic." I said playing with my necklace. "I'm just messing with you Gold."

"Everyone from school heard about what happened and after you didn't answer my messages I figured you changed it." He said then looked at the head set. "What are you a gamer now?" He asked pointing at the head set. "Oh these aren't for me. I'm getting them for my boyfriend, he's been wanting them for a while." "Boyfriend? You leave for less than a month and already have a boyfriend?" He questioned.

"Yeah, his name is Toby. I met him through my brother." I said shifting my posture. "That's cool" "How have you been Adrian?" I asked getting a bit uncomfortable since I honestly didn't like him all that much. "Well the group has been sad that you aren't there but we understand why. Well I guess I'll see you around." He said obviously getting the hint that I'm uncomfortable. "Bye" I said before walking over to the counter to pay for the head set.

Time Skip

It's now late and Minx took an Uber back to her place while Kristin and I are in the car with Niki about ten minutes away from my house. "Today was a lot of fun thank you girls for everything" I thanked Niki and Kristin. "It's no problem Carly, you deserved it" Niki said smiling at me through the rearview mirror. "Hey I saw you talking to a kid in the first store you stopped at who was he?" Kristin questioned.

"A guy that would hang around my friends and I at my old school. He was always very cold towards me, I don't know why. Anyway he saw me and decided to strike up a conversation I guess." I explained thinking back to the awkward encounter. When Niki turned on my street we noticed police cars and an ambulance outside my house. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked in a panic, Niki and Kristin are just as confused as I am.

Niki parked a few houses down so she didn't get in the way of the emergency vehicles, I quickly got out of the car and ran over to my house. 


Word Count: 1207

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