Chapter 9

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Carly's POV

I was digging through my bag sifting through the clothes when it dawned on me. "Shit I knew I forgot something." I said putting my clothes back neatly. "See I figured you would so I brought three extras and whatever one fits you can have." Niki said pulling out three different swimsuits. I grabbed them while thanking her, I tried and only one fit.

 I grabbed them while thanking her, I tried and only one fit

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"Niki I absolutely love this one." I said looking at myself in the mirror. "Well like I said you can have it." She said giving me a hug. "I saw a sunflower dress in your bag that will match." She said taking it out of my bag. "Niki when was the last time I told you I love you?" I joked and she giggled. "You tell me all the time, now put that on so I can do your hair." she said throwing the dress at me. 

She smiled when she saw the dress

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She smiled when she saw the dress. "You look so cute Toby is going to die" She giggled taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom. After about 20 minutes she finished and my hair looked amazing. She put my hair into space buns and I was loving the look. 

"Thank you Niki

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"Thank you Niki. I appreciate everything you've done." I said giving her another hug before I started to take off my makeup since there's no point in wearing makeup if it's just going to come off in the water. "Carly I consider you part of my family, you know that. I would do this for anyone of my family members." She just smiled before she went to go get ready. I grabbed some white wedge shoes before making my way over to the lounge. 

I walked into the lounge where I saw Tommy and Toby sitting on the sofa while on their phones

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I walked into the lounge where I saw Tommy and Toby sitting on the sofa while on their phones. "Hey guys" I said casually as I walked in the room. "Hey Carly- woah" Toby cut himself off when he looked up. His eyes were wide and he looked like he was in a trance while Tommy was just laughing at his reaction. "*Cough* simp *cough*" He joked which made me laugh. "Don't encourage him." Toby playfully scolded me which made me laugh harder. 

"I wasn't encouraging him, I just couldn't help but laugh at how dumb that was." I giggled. "Hey I'm not dumb, you're the dumb one here woman." Tommy grumbled which again caused me to laugh. "Hey don't call my woman dumb!" Toby shouted but went bright red realizing what he said. "Oh so I'm your woman now?" I questioned teasingly with my arms crossed and eyebrow raised. "I-I uhh well we you know." The he mouthed the word kissed. 

I just giggled and rolled my eyes. I sat down next to him and he grabbed my hand giving it a little squeeze, I smile at him before returning the action. "What does he mean by 'well we you know?' "Tommy asked looking confused. "Should we tell him?" Toby asked looking at me. "I don't see why not as long as he promises not to tell anyone especially my brother until we are ready." I stated. "I promise" He said looking at us thinking it was such a big secret. 

"We kissed this morning" Toby said blushing again. "EW cooties" Tommy jokes and the three of us laughed. "So are you guys dating?" He asked. "I want to take her on a date sometime this week but I'm just waiting for a day that we don't have anything to do and I also have to ask Wilbur if it's okay." He said letting go of my hand only to put his arm around my shoulders. I just smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"Ew again. Just don't do coupley shit like that in front of me." Tommy laughed. I just flipped him off while Toby rolled his eyes. We heard laughter coming from the hallway then Toby and I separated before we pulled out our phones to 'act natural'. "Okay children are you three ready to go?" Clay asked. "I'M-!" Tommy started before we all cut him off.  "NOT A CHILD WE GET IT" we groaned which caused him to start laughing. "Good we all understand."

He smiled smugly before getting up. We all then piled in the cars heading to the beach. Tommy, Toby, and I got into a car with Phil and Kristin. George, Dream, and Fundy got into a car with my brother and Niki. "So kids and Tommy how are you liking the trip?" Kristin asked turning around to look at us. "Kristin it's only day number two" Phil laughed and Kristin scoffed. "We all met up for us and the kids to have fun, I just want to know that they are having fun." She said.

"We are having a great time aren't we boys?" I asked smiling at him. I was again in the middle seat since I was shorter. "Yeah we've been having a blast." He replied, I pulled out my phone and earphones plugging them in before handing one to Toby playing Dear Maria Count Me In by All Time Low (Again I added the song at the start if you want to listen to it) I rested my head on his shoulder while we hummed along softly. "What band is this?" He asked. "All Time Low."

I replied, he hummed in acknowledgment kissing the top of my head. I grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together and smiled. "How about tomorrow I take you out on a date?" He whispered. "I'd like that." I whispered back cuddling into him more.


Word Count: 1021

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