Chapter 35

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I don't know how courts work other than what I see in Law & Order SVU. So don't get mad at me if it's not accurate. I'm a teenager not a lawyer lmao -Author CV


Wilbur's POV

"Your honor Mrs. Gold is in no mental state to care for her daughter. She not only neglected her daughter she also signed away her parental rights to my client William Gold" My lawyer explained to the judge. "Is that true Mrs. Gold?" The judge asked and my mother's lawyer stood up. "My client was coerced into signing those papers by her soon to be ex husband. She has given her daughter seventeen years of nothing but love in her household." The lawyer said.

"Your honor we have evidence that proves Mrs. Gold was planning on sending her daughter away to live with another family because her daughter had an attitude with the father." My lawyer said before handing the judge screenshots of the messages between my mother and I. "I would like to hear from the child" The judge said before I looked behind me and saw my sister stand up walking over to a seat next to the judge. She looked nervous, she doesn't deserve this.

"Carly how would you describe your home life with your parents, specifically your relationship with your mother." My lawyer asked her and she looked at him. "W-well there isn't one really. I was always in my room since my parents seemed displeased whenever I was around them. I took care of myself entirely since they payed no attention to me. They only took me and picked me up from school, even then they only did that a few times a month." My sister said.

"Now do you remember the day your brother came to pick you up?" My lawyer asked. "Yes" She replied and my lawyer smiled. "Please tell the court about that day" He said and my sister shifted uncomfortably. "That day I woke up to yelling coming from downstairs" She started before my lawyer cut her off. "Who was yelling?" "My parents and brother." "What were they yelling about?" "Apparently my parents were planning to send me to live in France"

I saw my sister begin to tear up. "My brother was angry since he's never experienced the way they treated me. He didn't like the explanation they gave him and told our parents that I could come and live with him. My father was okay with it since he didn't want me living with them anymore." She cried and my lawyer sat back down. "Miss Gold has your mother ever hit you?" My mother's lawyer asked. "N-no" "Did your mother ever emotionally abuse you?"  

"No" She replied. "Now do you remember sending this email to a Venessa Cruz?" The lawyer asked before reading out the email. "I don't ever want to leave this house I love it so much here" My sister nodded her head. "Please tell us." "That message was to a friend of mine, If you read the emails before you would know I was staying at my brother's house for the weekend." My sister explained and the lawyer had a look I can only describe as the shocked Pikachu face.

Time Skip

"Mrs. Gold we reviewed the evidence, we've heard the testimony of the minor, and we've heard both sides of the story. I have come to the conclusion you are unfit to parent and have ruled against the restoration of your parental rights. I have also granted permanent restraining orders against you for William and Carly Gold. You are not allowed within a 4 kilometers from your children." The judge informed us and my mother screamed at her.

"If you don't act right I will hold you in contempt" The judge told her sternly and I took Carly out of the court room. "See I told you pip squeak I would never let her take you again" I said giving her a hug while she cried in relief. "It's okay Carly, you're safe now" I reassured her while rubbing her back as she was hyperventilating. "Wil can we go home now?" She asked once she calmed down. "Of course pip squeak let's go home" I replied before taking her hand.

Carly's POV

I was sitting in the lounge watching The Flash when I heard the door bell. Wilbur didn't tell me he was expecting someone. I thought before opening the door seeing my boyfriend standing on the other side of the door smiling with his backpack slung over one of his shoulders. "Toby I didn't know you were coming over" I said pulling him into a hug. "Well I was in town and thought I would stop by" He said with a nervous chuckle.

I squint at him playfully knowing my brother asked him over. "Oh really okay so you just so happened to have your overnight bag?" I questioned wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yeah" He laughed before kissing my cheek. "Bullshit, my brother text you" I laughed and we went over to my room to chill. "Well he may of said something" He replied and I rolled my eyes. "Fine he text me saying that you guys won the case so I asked if I could come over. You know for you."

He smiled at me before I gave him a small kiss. "I love you so much bee" I smiled before we lay down on my bed to watch something on Netflix. I was laying down with my head on his chest while he was playing with my hair. It didn't take long before I started getting tired and Toby chuckled when he noticed me yawning. "If you are tired you can sleep my love, it won't hurt my feelings. After the day you had you deserve it." He said and I nodded my head. "Thank you bee." I replied before I let sleep consume me. I passed out thinking that I am the luckiest girl in the world.


Word Count: 1012

Ending sucked I know but its midnight and I needed to finish this chapter - Author CV

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