Chapter 14

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Tubbo's POV 

A Week Later

I woke up to the feeling of the other side of my bed dip. I open my eyes to see Carly laying down next to me. "Good morning Tubs" She smiled giving me a kiss on the nose. "Good morning love. What are you doing?" I asked putting my arm around her and pulling her into my chest a bit. "Well Wilbur and I are leaving tonight so I want to spend as much time with you as possible" She said cuddling into me more. "W-what? You're leaving me?" I questioned with a frown.

"Unfortunately I am. It's not like I'm never going to see you again, we live in the same city" She said as she started playing with my messy hair a bit. "I guess you're right" I sighed resting my forehead on hers. "Doesn't mean I'm going to miss you any less" I stated, pulling my head away to be met with a bright pink blush on Carly's face. "Awe you're blushing" I smiled at her and she buried her face in my chest. "No I'm not" Her words muffled a bit.

"Mhm sure you're not, pink is just your natural skin colour" I said sarcastically. I heard her laugh lightly before sitting up. "Come on get up we can't be in bed all day." She said stretching her arms out offering to help me up. "But if I get up I'll actually have to do stuff" I whined not really wanting to start the day at all. Carly sighs before grabbing my arms and pulling me up. I just grab her and pull her down on the bed.

"Toooobbbyyy it's midday already. I want to go over to that park again one last time before we leave." she sighed. "Five more minutes please" I pleaded giving her puppy eyes. "Fine but only five minutes" I smiled at her response pulling her into my embrace. "You're too cute" I told her as she is drawing circles on my chest. "So are you" She says a light blush creeping on her face. We stayed in bed for a bit before I sat up and so did she.

"Give me a few minutes to get ready love and I'll meet you in the lounge" I said, giving her a kiss on the nose before she got up and left the room. I grabbed my purple Twitch jumper and a pair of black jeans before heading over to the bathroom to have a shower. It didn't take much time for me to shower and get dressed. I semi dried my hair with my towel before I brushed my hair a bit and brushed my teeth.

I made my way over to the lounge to see Carly on the couch with her legs over Tommy's lap and he had one hand on her ankle with his other hand scrolling through something on his phone. I know it was nothing but I don't know why it made me feel a bit angry. I was feeling jealous and when Carly looked over at me she studied my expression. I hate to admit it but she could read me like a book. She smirked at me and giggled quietly.

She removed her legs from Tommy's lap and made her way over to me. She gave me a hug and whispered "You have nothing to be angry at Tubs" I went a bit red and she kissed my cheek. "Are you ready to go?" She asked after she pulled away from the hug. I nodded my head and we made our way over to the door. "WIL, TUBBO AND I OUR GOING OUT TO THE PARK NEARBY. WE WILL BE BACK SOON" She shouted. 

Wilbur walked out from the kitchen with his keys in hand. "I don't want you to walk, I'll just drive you two come on" He said and we made our way to his car. When we arrived we thanked Wilbur for the ride and got out of the car. "Hey be safe you two, let me know when you want to be picked up" "Alright we will, thanks again Wilbur" I thanked him one more time before taking Carly's hand and we began walking around the park.

We made it over to the swing set and we quickly ran to them. "I'm going to miss you Tubs" She said solemnly. Like how Carly can read me like a book I can also read her. I could tell she was sad about leaving and she is trying really hard not to show it. We were both swinging lightly. "I'm going to miss you too honey" I said, taking her hand. She laughed lightly at the pet name. "Honey?" "Yeah, because one you're sweet like honey and two is because you sometimes call me bee" I explained.

I saw her smile and a slight blush creep on her face. We stayed at the park for three hours, we mostly sat at the swings talking about little things and how much we are going to miss each other. "How about this, Wilbur told me where he enrolled you into school and it's not that far from my house so why don't I come to pick you up. We can walk back to my house and hang out every day?" I suggested I could see her face light up.

She thought about it for a second before she spoke up. "I don't know about every day but how about we try for every Friday" I agreed with that since now that I think about it my mum would probably be cross with me. We stayed a little longer before she called Wilbur asking to get picked up. It took Wilbur 10 minutes before he got here. "Oh Tubbo, your mum called and asked if I could give you a ride home so you'll be leaving with us." He said.

Carly and I looked at each other excitedly. "Yes now I get to annoy you in the car" I teased Carly tickling her side causing her to flinch. When we got back to the Airbnb I saw that Phil, Kristin, Tommy, and George were gone. Niki, Dream, and Fundy were the only ones in the house. "Dammit you guys just missed everyone. They just left" Niki said, looking at us as we walked in the lounge. "Aw man, I wanted to say goodbye" Carly frowned a bit.

We chilled for another hour before we got all our stuff together and hit the road. Carly and I sat in the back seat listening to music when Carly rests her head on my shoulder and I rest my head on hers before we fell asleep for the rest of the car ride.


Word Count: 1118

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