Chapter 29

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Tubbo's song is fire and no one can convince me otherwise 

I think I'm going to end this book at chapter 40. I honestly don't know where I'm taking this book anymore. If you want me to write about anyone message me and I'll do it. I'm even considered writing a oneshots/ imagines book. What do you think? - Author CV

Tubbo's POV

It's currently 5 PM and I'm just laying in bed scrolling through Twitter while petting Carly's hair softly. She's been asleep for an hour when I got a text from her brother. ( Wilbur Tubbo )

Wilbur Scoot

Hey I already talked with your mum but Carly is going to be staying with you guys tonight. I have to talk to some custody lawyers tomorrow and I'd rather her be with you for that. I'm having Niki drop off her overnight bag.

Of course it's alright! I hope everything goes well tomorrow and I'll have Lani answer the door for Niki. 

Great, I hope everything goes well too. Since she is old enough they might need to talk to her at a later date but I don't know. So please keep this between us for now. I'll let her know if they need to talk to her. I just don't want to worry her. 

No problem mate. But I would tell her soon. I don't like keeping stuff from her.

Will do thank you Tubbo

Don't mention it mate


I then text Lani asking her to watch out for Niki before I turned my phone off and pulled Carly closer to me. She shifted lightly before I too drifted off to sleep. 

Time Skip

After a few hours of sleep Ranboo, Carly, and I finally awoke from our naps. "Wow I haven't taken a nap that good in a long time" Ranboo said stretching slightly. "Yeah me too" I yawned a bit scratching my head. "Hey guys do you want to do a you laugh you lose stream?" Ranboo asked. "I'm down, I just have to warn you that I am terrible at those. Oh I should text Wil asking if I could stay longer then" She said searching for her phone.

"Oh right I forgot to tell you. You are staying with us tonight since Wilbur was busy" I said and she smiled. "Yay okay. I'll just put my hair in a plait then while you two set up then" She said getting out of my bed. When she left I got out of bed to change my shirt and sat over by Ranboo as he sets up his stream. "Hey Tommy wants to come over tomorrow and film a vlog with us" Ranboo said finishing setting up the stream.

"Cool, what about Carly? Can she come with?" I asked and he just shrugged his shoulders. Before we could say anything else Carly came back into the room with her hair in a side plait. "Can I come with where?" She asked obviously hearing me. "Oh Tommy is coming over tomorrow to film a vlog with Ranboo and I so I have to ask if you can come with." she just nodded her head and we started the stream.


It was going good for the first 15 minutes before Carly and I started dying laughing when someone sent a video of a small child running into a sliding glass door. Ranboo almost lost it but it was Carly and I who nearly wet ourselves laughing. "Really that's what broke you? We were doing so well" Ranboo said disappointedly shaking his head. We were down a life and have 2 more. "And that's how condoms work" Carly joked causing all of us to start laughing again.

"Oh come on really?" Ranboo said in between his laughter. "That doesn't count, it doesn't count" He added and we all calmed ourselves down. Carly was right she is terrible at these. "I thought I was bad at these" I said looking at my girlfriend laughing really hard at a media share. "Carly come on it's only been 40 minutes." Ranboo playfully whined looking at the laughing fit Carly is having and we were now on our last life.

"I can't help it these are too funny" She said finally calming down while clutching her stomach. The stream was only 56 minutes because Ranboo laughed at a penis joke. "A penis joke Ranboo come on" I groaned and we shut off the stream while Ranboo was laughing really hard. " I mean come on it's a penis joke" He said through his wheezes. After we stopped streaming we all started watching movies until the sun started coming up.

"I think that's a sign we just fucked up our sleep schedule" I joked standing up and stretching. "What do you- oh well I guess we should at least try to sleep before Tommy get's here" Carly said and I grabbed her hand to pull her up off the sofa. "Welp good morning" Ranboo said before he started making his bed and I lead Carly over to my bed. We crawled in and we lie there looking at the ceiling until I heard a small yawn and she turns on her side, her back facing me.

I'm not feeling tired but I put my arm around her stomach and pulled her closer to me. I heard her laugh quietly before she turned around to face me. "What?" I asked in a whisper not knowing if Ranboo was already asleep. "Nothing I just love you" She whispered with a sweet smile on her face. "I love you too" I gave her a soft kiss on her nose before she turned back around and I hugged her a little tighter.

I sat there with my eyes closed just listening to the soft snores coming from Carly. I was just thinking about life when I finally felt myself get tired. I want to stay like this forever. Just her and I. I thought before I felt sleep consume me and drifted off.


Word Count: 1009

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