Chapter 30

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Pink Parrots won MCC yesterday. Didn't get to watch it since I had work but I heard it was good! I might watch Ranboo's VOD, I heard he became a V Tuber- Author CV

Carly's POV

I woke up to the door being slammed open and a tall blonde gremlin walks in screaming with his phone in hands looking like he was recording. "AHHHHHH WOMAN" He screamed after I threw a pillow at him. "Shut up" I groaned but I doubt he heard me since my words were muffled. "Why are you pussies sleeping? It's like half past 1 and sleeping is for losers."

He shouted using the pillow I threw at him to hit each of us. "We all took naps yesterday then didn't go back to sleep until we saw the sun come up." Ranboo said yawning looking like a mess. To be fair we all look like a mess. "Well everyone get up we have a vlog to film today." Tommy shouted and we all groaned getting up. Why does this child have to scream? I asked myself wanting to go back to sleep. I get up and walked over to Tommy giving him a dirty look.

"Uhhh nice to see you woman" He chuckled nervously before I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Nice to see you too Tommy" He laughed and gave me a hug before I walked back over to Toby's bed. "What are you doing woman? You're coming too" Tommy said and I looked at him confused. "What? I don't even have clothes I can't" I said still looking at him confused. "Oh Niki brought it over your overnight bag yesterday while you were sleeping. Lani should have it in her room"

Toby said looking up from his phone. "Alright cool" I then get out of bed and walked over to Lani's room. I knock on the door lightly and heard a faint come in. I open the door to see Lani on her desk doing homework. I should do some when I get back. I thought to myself before I spoke. "Good morning Lani. I was told my overnight bag was here" I said with a small yawn and she spun her chair around to face me.

She gave me a bright smile and laugh before she replied. "Carly it's 1 PM, also your bag is over there" She said pointing to my duffle bag in the corner. "Right, my bad. Thanks Lani" I said giving her a wave and a smile before I took my bag and headed towards Toby's bathroom. I sifted around in the clothes that were obviously picked by my brother. I'm proud that he at least knows the outfits I pair together.

I grabbed my gray jumper and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans.

I grabbed my gray jumper and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans

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(Sorry for the terrible photo quality idk what happened)

After I got dressed I put some of my hair in a bun and the rest I brushed out.

I then grabbed my makeup bag and applied a little makeup before leaving the bathroom

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I then grabbed my makeup bag and applied a little makeup before leaving the bathroom.

I then grabbed my makeup bag and applied a little makeup before leaving the bathroom

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"Finally you take forever woman" Tommy whined only to receive a sarcastic smile from me

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"Finally you take forever woman" Tommy whined only to receive a sarcastic smile from me. "My bad Tommy. I really tried to hurry" I said putting on my white high top Vans and lacing them up. Once I stood up Toby came over to hand me my phone and earphones. "Here you go love" He said giving me a kiss on the head. I was about to respond with a thank you when I heard Tommy try and whisper "Ew cooties" looking into the camera on his phone.

Toby and I obviously heard him and we just rolled our eyes at his childish behavior. "LETS GO MEN AND CARLY" Tommy shouted. "Wait where's Ranboo?" I asked looking around the room. "Right here" He said nearly falling over while he was trying to put on his shoes. "Now we can go" He said once he regained his balance and had his shoes on. As we are walking out of Tubbo's house he and I shout a we'll be back later to his mum before we continued to the train station. 

"So where are we going?" I asked Tommy as he's vlogging some pigeons running away from him. "WE ARE GOING TO LONDON TO SEE GOGY" He yelled putting the camera in my face. "Ehhh do you need to put the camera so close to my face?" I asked as he practically shoved the camera in my nose. "Because it's the best angle" He laughed then did the same thing to Toby. "I can't wait to see George. He was really nice when I met him" I said as we took our seats on the train. 

Tommy and I were sitting next to each other while Toby and Ranboo sit in front of us. I sent my brother a picture. ( Wilbur , Carly )

Bruber William


Running away with the gang

I'm very disappointed in you Carls - Niki


smh Carls SMH - Niki

Niki I'll run away with you I promise

Problem solved :3 - Niki


I laughed lightly before putting my phone back in my pocket. "Carly what the fuck" Toby laughed looking at me. "What?" I asked confused. "You are going to run away with Niki?" He asked giving me a fake frown while showing me the screen shots of the messages. "I was looking for a way to tell you" I joked and we started laughing. "Wait break up again on camera I need the views." Tommy said obviously recording now.

"Tommy shut up" I said grabbing his phone then waving to the camera before stopping the recording. "We are not your new Phil and Kristin. You can't try and get us to separate for the content." Tubbo laughed which made all of us laugh. "Aww man" He laughed and I rolled my eyes. Looking out the window watching us move along.


Word Count: 1071

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