Chapter 11

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Carly's POV

We are walking around the shopping centre and I saw a cute little clothing shop. "Come on I want to check this shop out, I promise to make it quick." I said grabbing Toby's hand leading him into the shop and Tommy followed. "Women and their clothes." Tommy laughed when he saw how excited I got when I saw a fuzzy baby blue jumper. I rolled my eyes at his comment when I came across a bee necklace with a topaz gem in it's center.

"Awe this is so cute I love it" I said then turned it around looking at the price and my face went pale

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"Awe this is so cute I love it" I said then turned it around looking at the price and my face went pale. "You know what I don't love it that much." I chuckled putting it back. "Hey, gogy text me saying to meet them at a restaurant nearby." Tommy said to us looking at his phone. As we were making our way to the restaurant Toby stopped. "Hey I need to use the loo I'll be back you two go." He stated and started walking back the way we came.

"So woman I never asked why you lived with Wilbur" He said as we continued our journey to the others. "Oh um long story short my parents were going to send me to live in France but Wil was having none of it so I live with him now." I said playing with my bracelet. Opening up to people makes me a bit anxious so I tend to play with my jewelry. "I'm sorry to hear that woman." Tommy said giving me a side hug as we are walking. 

"Look there it is" I said pointing to the restaurant. We walked in and saw all the adults sitting at a big table in the back. "Hey" I greeted as I sat next to my brother. "Hello pip squeak, where's Tubbo?" He asked upon seeing just Tommy and I. "Oh he's just in the toilet he'll be back soon." I said grabbing a menu and looking it over. After about three minutes I saw Toby making his way over to us. "Hello" Toby exclaimed as he sat down next to Tommy. "There you are Tubbo, we were about to send out a search party." Dream joked. "There was a line" Toby explained before picking up a menu.

Tiny Time Skip

As we make our way out of the shopping centre I felt the harsh breeze. Holy shit when did it get so cold?  I asked myself. I hugged myself as we continued to make our way to the cars. "Carly you look cold, here take my hoodie" Toby said taking it off. "No then you'll be cold, I can't" I said shaking my head no with my teeth chattering a bit. "Please Carly, you are cold. If you get any colder you'll turn blue. Do this for me, please." He gave me a pleading look. 

I gave up and took his hoodie. When I put it on it was warm and it smelt like him. "See now you look warm." He smiled and put his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side. "Tomorrow I'm taking you on a date, I got permission from Wil so prepare for that." He whispered to me with a giant grin on his face and I smiled back at him. "Can't wait, what should I wear?" I asked wanting to know where we'll be going. "Nothing fancy just something nice." He stated. 

Once we made it back to the Airbnb I went to change out of this dress and into some pj's. I grabbed some red shorts and gray socks before just putting Toby's hoodie back on. 

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(That's the hoodie)

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(That's the hoodie)

When I was done I made my way over to the bathroom to take off my makeup, after that I put my hair into a single plait before knocking on Tommy and Tubbo's door. "Come in" I heard Tommy shout and I saw him sitting on his bed playing on his phone while Tubbo was hanging upside down off his own bed. "Hello Carly" Tommy greeted putting his phone down. "Uh hello" I greeted back looking at Toby with a puzzled expression.

"Hey Carly what are you doing?" Toby asked looking over at me and his face turning red from the blood rushing to his head . "What am I doing? What are you doing? Get up all the blood will rush to your head. Look you are already turning red." I laughed walking over to him helping him up. "Woah." He said as his face returned to it's normal colour . "What are you doing?" He put his head on my shoulder and I ran my fingers threw his hair since I was stood in front of him.

"Well I was going to bed and I just wanted to say goodnight." I said pulling him into me lightly giving him a hug. "Nooo, Tommy and I are going to watch a movie come watch it with us." He pleaded. "Fine but only because you asked" I said and he lifted his head from my shoulder. "Yay, okay come here sit with me, Tommy put the movie on" He said looking so happy and I smiled at the giant grin on his face. As I lie down next to him he put his head on my chest.

I smile again before playing with his hair. I did that until I heard soft snores coming from Toby. I smiled to myself softly. "Tommy is it alright if I sleep here? Toby fell asleep on me." I asked looking over at Tommy only to see that he too was asleep. Well might as well I thought before shifting a bit. I heard Toby groan and put an arm around me pulling me into his chest. "Goodnight love" I heard him whisper before we drifted off into a blissful dream land.


Word Count: 1058

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