Chapter 5

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Carly's POV

I was sitting in the lounge watching an episode of Criminal Minds when I saw my brother walk past me. "Hey pip I left my charger in the car so I'll be right back." He informed me. "Okay" I replied going back to watching my show. About two minutes later I get jumped on. "Carly!" Toby shouted as we rolled off the sofa. We just laughed for a bit before he helped me up and I gave him a proper hug. "Toby" I smiled pulling him into the hug a little more.

"How are you like a few inches shorter than I am?" He questioned. "Wilbur's nickname fooled me." He joked. "I'm significantly shorter than him so it makes sense to us dork." I said playfully shoving him. "Oh you just started war." He joked and started tickling me. "NO! AH!" I screamed, I managed to get away and I started running. I hid in a wardrobe and moved all the way in the back. This was a mistake since I basically trapped myself. He opened the doors and I knew I lost.

"T-toby st-hop" I wheezed once he pulled me out and started tickling me again. Why did I have to tell him where I was ticklish. I thought to myself before I heard the door open. "What the fuck is happening in here?" I heard someone ask, laughing awkwardly. I then see a guy with dark brown hair looking at us. "What do you mean mate- what the fuck is this?" My brother gasped as he walked in. "War" I said with a bright red blush on my face and a nervous smile.

I'm on the floor with my foot on Toby's arm trying to push it away while one hand is trying to push his other arm away. My other arm is under my leg pushing his chest, while his hands are on my sides. Toby was blushing as well and we are just kind of looking at Will. "Okay well when you are done with whatever the fuck you mean by war I would like you to meet some people." Wilbur said leaving with the other guy. Toby stood up and offered his hand to help me up.

I accept and he pulls me up. "That was fun." I said dusting myself off and fixing my hair a bit. "Yeah it was." He smiled. He started to walk out of the room but I grabbed his arm. "H-hey Toby" He turned around with a bright smile on his face. "What's the matter?" He asked. "It's nice to meet you in person." I said bringing him into another hug. "I enjoy your hugs." He commented hugging me tighter which made me blush.

We just kind of stood there hugging each other before laughter came from the other room and we pulled apart. "Carly good you're here. Guys this is Carly, Carly this is George, Phil, Phil's wife Kristin, Clay aka Dream, Fundy, and you already know Niki." Wilbur said once Toby and I walked into the kitchen. "Hello" I greeted, waving to everyone. "Carly! I haven't seen you in forever." Niki said giving me a hug. "I know it's been too long." I replied hugging her back.

"Wilbur she looks like you in a wig." Clay wheezed "Tommy said that too." Toby said laughing. "I wOnDeR wHy." I remarked sarcastically which caused the others to laugh. "So room plan, there will be two people in each. Niki and Carly in one, Wilbur and Fundy in one, Tommy and Tubbo in one, Phil and Kristin obviously, lastly me and George." Clay said we all nodded before we took off for lunch. Wilbur took Niki, Tubbo and I in his car.

While Phil, Kristin, George, Fundy, and Dream took Phil's car. We drove down to the diner and waited for Tommy. About 5 minutes later I see a tall blonde giraffe enter the diner. "HELLO MY FRIENDS." He shouts causing many people to glare at him.  "Tommy keep it down you goof." I teased before giving him a hug. "Wow, Wilbur is right you are a pip squeak." He laughed which caused me to punch him in the arm. "OW! what was that for woman?" He asked rubbing his arm.

"Only Wilbur is allowed to call me that no matter how short I am to you." I said giving him a scowl. "Jeez Tommy you've been here less than a minute and already pissed off Carly." Toby joked giving him a hug as well. Once we all finished eating Tommy, Toby, and I suggested we go to an arcade. "Please that would be so much fun" We begged. "Yeah I can finally get my vlog gun." Tommy jokes causing Toby and I to laugh. "Fine we can take the children to the arcade."

Phil sighed. "Thanks Dadza." Tommy said and we made our way to the cars. The three of us went into the car with Wil and Niki. "What should we do when we get there?" Tubbo asked. "I'm going to hopefully get my vlog gun, I need it." Tommy jokes. "I just want to win at air hockey this time." I sighed giving Wilbur a glare. "Awe the pip squeak wants to win." Wilbur teased laughing at me. "Well this time is different, she will have me on her team." Toby smiled. "Simp"

I heard Tommy say which caused Toby and I to blush. "I'm not a simp." Toby snapped reaching over me to hit Tommy. Tommy also reached over me to fight back. "Stop it you two." I said since I was literally in the middle of their slap war. I grabbed Toby's hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "Just calm down." I whispered to him. I saw a light blush creep on his cheeks. He looked out the window and gave my hand a squeeze back. I smiled scrolling through Twitter when I felt tired.

I turned off my phone and looked around. "Hey Wil, when did you think we will get there?" I asked. "In an hour why?" He asked. "No reason" I said, I then let my head fall to my right before drifting off to sleep.


Word Count: 1035

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