Chapter 27

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TW: Mentions of blood and other physical injuries

Wilbur's POV

Phil, Jack, and I are sitting in my lounge having some drinks and just talking when there was a knock at the door. "Hold up mates I'll get it" I got up and walked over to the front door. I opened it and saw both my parents at the door. "Oh god, look you aren't taking Carly. I already told you this and I don't appreciate you coming back here" I said giving them both a dirty look. "William please. She's my daughter and I want her back" My mother said now crying.

"Look it was your decision to send her away and I just did what any older brother would do and I legally adopted her. Which means I'm her guardian not you no matter if she's your daughter or not." I could see my father getting angry and my mother was hysterical. She was now screaming and demanding that she see Carly. "She's not even home, she's staying at a friends house tonight" I lied to try and get them to leave.

"NO WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" My mother screamed and my father tried to push his way in. I of course held my ground and pushed my father back. "Don't try that again or I will call the cops." I threated but my father pushed me and began to fight me. I was getting my arse kicked while my mother came in shouting for Carly. Jack and Phil came running to pull my father off me. "Did you call the cops?" I asked after I spit up a hefty amount of blood.

"Yeah we called them as soon as we heard your Mum scream for Carly." Jack said as him and Phil have a hold on my father. It took twenty minutes before the police roll up, one cuffed my father and the other went searching for my mother and found her sobbing in Carly's room. "We called you an ambulance, they should be here shortly to check you out." One of the officers said and it took another ten minutes before they arrived then began to try and patch me up the best they can. 

Carly's POV

"Hey you can't go in there" an officer said but I just slipped past him and ran into the house to see my brother badly beaten. "Holy shit Wil what happened?" I asked looking at the EMT putting a bandage on the side of my brother's head. "Our wonderful parents came back looking for you and our amazing father attacked me." Wil said sarcastically and I could hear the pain in his voice. Why would they do this? 

They wanted nothing to do with me and now they attacked their own son just to try and get me back? What the actual fuck is wrong with them? They need mental help. I thought to myself and just gave my brother an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Wil, I can't help but feel like this is my fault." I said giving him a hug. "No don't say that pip squeak. Our parents are mentally unstable and this is in no way your fault." He said then Niki and Kristin walked into the house as the EMTs leave. 

"Oh my god Wil are you alright?" Niki asked in shock. "Yeah I'm fine just have a bit of a head ache." He laughed only to clutch his sides and I gave him a worried look. "Wil I think we should get you to a hospital" Phil said and we all agreed. "Fine, but who's going to watch Carly? I don't want her to be alone." Wilbur said sounding very worried. "You, Phil, and Jack go. Niki and I will stay with her. If it's alright with you can Phil and I stay for the night?" Kristin suggested. 

"Of course, you all can stay. Will you be alright fixing the sleeping arraignments pip squeak?" My brother asked looking at me. "Yeah, you just go and get checked out." I said going and hugging him a bit as to not hurt him. With that they left and I began to set up beds. I figured Kristin and Phil can use my bed since it's a bit bigger than Wil's, Jack can get Wilbur's room, while Niki, Wilbur, and I can sleep in the lounge.

I offered Wilbur's room to Niki but she said she'd rather stay with me. I set up the sofas plus the floor so that Niki and Wil get the sofas while I sleep on the floor. I also went into my room and grabbed my uniform and book bag since I have school in the morning. I have already missed today and I hope I don't have much make up work. Niki made tea for us three and we just chatted about little things. "What day is it today?" Kristin asked taking a sip.

"Thursday" Niki said casually. "Wait it's already Thursday?" I asked in shock. "What time do you get out of school Carly?" Kristin asked and I replied after I finished the last of my tea. "Um around 3ish, I'm heading over to Toby's tomorrow since we meet up on Friday's" After another hour the guys came back and Wilbur was okay other than the cuts and bruises. "Good I'm glad you are alright." Kristin said and we all agreed.

I then began to explain the sleeping arraignments and everyone seemed happy with it. "Well I'm tired so I'm going to head off to sleep" Phil said and Kristin followed. I decided that was a good idea since I have school tomorrow. "Yeah I'm off too." I said going over to the lounge and getting comfortable in the bed I made on the floor. I couldn't sleep yet since I'm honestly a bit scared of being alone right now.

Like if they heard my thoughts Niki and Wil came into the lounge then got settled on the sofas. "Good night pip squeak. I promise you this situation will get better. You know I will never in a million years let them take you. As if they can try and take you. I'm sure they are going to jail for a while." Wilbur said looking down at me. "Good night Wil. Thank you again for everything. Good night Niki" I thanked Wil and also said good night to Niki.

"Good night Carly, good night Wilbur." She said back. "Good night Niki" He replied. It didn't take long after we exchanged good nights before I drifted off into sleep.


Word Count: 1090

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