Chapter 12

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Carly's POV

I woke up to Tommy shouting at Toby. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO COUPLEY SHIT AROUND ME IT'S FUCKING GROSS" "Tommy shut up she is sleeping" Toby hushed him. "Too late" I groaned getting out of bed. "We were just sleeping Tommy calm down." Toby tried reasoning with him. "But you were sleep hugging" Tommy whined  "You mean cuddling" I corrected him which caused Toby to laugh. 

I just kind of rolled my eyes at Tommy's childish behavior and walked out of their room over to the lounge to see Phil sitting by himself on the sofa. "Good morning Phil" I greeted and sat next to him. "Oh hello Carly. The boys driving you crazy yet?" He questioned seeing my tired expression. "Eh Tommy is being well Tommy and it's too early to deal with him." I stated and yawned. "You do realize it's midday right" He laughed. 

I looked at my phone to see it was half past twelve. "Oh right" we just laughed a bit before I got up making my way over to mine and Niki's room. "There you are Carly, I woke up this morning and saw you weren't in bed how come?" She asked sitting up on her bed. "Oh I fell asleep while watching a movie with Tommy and Tubbo last night." I yawned. "How are you still tired Carls? It's midday and you sleep a lot." She questioned.

"I don't know I'm just a tired person." I joked and saw Niki roll her eyes. "Well you missed a very eventful breakfast." She stated taking her phone out. "What do you mean?" I asked flopping myself on my bed. "Well Wilbur was trying to give Tubbo the 'dad' talk and it was hilarious. Wilbur was going on and on about how if Tubbo hurts you he will be a dead man. You know the stereotypical big brother protecting his baby sister talk." She laughed.

"We are going out for our first date not getting married what the hell." I wheezed. I'm honestly feeling the second hand embarrassment for Toby and everyone else who had to witness my brother being an absolute idiot. I got bored and walked into the kitchen to see the pile of dishes just sitting in the sink. I walk over to the dishwasher to see no one has started it either. I sighed before starting it and deciding to handwash all the dishes in the the sink.

I plugged in my earphones and turning on my cleaning playlist before washing the dishes. I start to sing along with the songs quietly getting lost in the music

Tubbo's POV

I was on FaceTime with Ranboo asking for advice. "Wait wait wait you have a girlfriend now?" he questioned. "No well not yet I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet. But I really do want to ask. That's why today has to be perfect. I already got permission from Wilbur so I'm good there." I said rambling on. "Wait why do you need Wilbur's permission?" Ranboo asked. "Oh that's right you two haven't met yet. Carly is Wilbur's sister" I explained.

"Really? I did not know he had a sister" He said shocked. "Yeah neither did I until a bit ago. She's really nice you'll like her. Wait let me introduce you to her." I said getting up off my bed and walking towards the kitchen hearing water running. I peek my head in to see Carly washing dishes with her earbuds in. I could hear her quietly singing some song I didn't know but she sounded so good.

God I think I'm in love. I thought to myself before tapping her shoulder causing her to jump. "Shit Toby you scared me" She laughed then kissed my cheek still washing dishes. "Carly I want you to meet Ranboo, Ranboo this is Carly." I said holding my phone up a bit so they could see each other. "Hello Ranboo, I've heard so much about you. Also I'm sorry for stealing your husband." She joked which caused me to laugh and shove her lightly.

"Hello I just found out about you today actually. Sorry about that but you seem really cool. Don't worry about the husband stealing thing, Michael needed a mother so this works." He laughed and I burst out with laughter. "I thought Michael was just fine with his two canonically married dads" I said once I calmed down. "Well it was fun talking to you Ranboo but I need to finish these dishes because apparently people don't know how to clean up after themselves." She joked before putting her earbuds back in.

I just gave her a quick peck on the cheek before walking back into my room. It's been a few hours and I finally know where I'm going to take her. Wilbur told me she loves sushi so I'm going to take her to a sushi place nearby before bringing her back to watch her favorite movie series Transformers. Wilbur suggested to put on one and two since they are her favorites. I don't blame her honestly.

"Carly I was thinking we go out in a few hours is that okay with you?" I asked as we were sat in the lounge looking at Tik Toks. "Sure I'll tell you when I'm done getting ready." She gives me kiss before she gets up and walks away. I'm sitting on the couch with a dopey smile on my face when I see Wilbur walk in. "Hello Tubbo, Carly told me you guys will be leaving on that date soon. I'll drop you guys off if you'd like" He offered. "That would be nice thank you Wilbur" I said before going to get ready myself.

Carly's POV

I walked over to my room and started looking through my clothes a bit before I found a cute outfit. It was a slightly cropped maroon tank top, some acid washed jeans, and a white cardigan. I put them on before walking over to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I took my hair out of the plait and brushed it to give my hair the wavy look before I put on some neutral makeup

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I took my hair out of the plait and brushed it to give my hair the wavy look before I put on some neutral makeup.

I took my hair out of the plait and brushed it to give my hair the wavy look before I put on some neutral makeup

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Satisfied with the way I look I put on my maroon Vans before waiting in the lounge for Toby

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Satisfied with the way I look I put on my maroon Vans before waiting in the lounge for Toby. "Wow Carly you look so pretty" Kristin said when she walked out of the kitchen and into the lounge. "Thank you Kristin. Toby is taking me out on a date tonight so I really tried." I thanked her blushing a bit. "Well I hope you two have fun" She then gave me a hug before leaving the lounge.

I was sat fidgeting with my fingers for a few minutes before Toby and my brother walk by. "Are you ready to go?" Toby asked holding his hand out to help me up. "I am" I smile while taking his hand.


Word Count: 1207

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