Chapter 18

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Tubbo's POV

It's Sunday morning and I'm sitting at Carly's desk feeling bored as she is on her bed doing homework. "Carly" I whined dragging out the ly in her name. "Yes Tobs?" She questioned not looking up from her books. "I'm bored" I whined a reply. "I am too bee, but I have to finish my maths and chemistry homework. I've been procrastinating doing these since you've been over. If I don't finish these Wilbur would be upset." She sighed looking up at me for a second before writing something down.

I groaned dissatisfied with her response just wanting her attention and having the urge to cuddle her. "Can you take a little break? Just for a few minutes?" I asked. "Toby I started ten minutes ago" She giggled. "I... yeah I got nothing" I sighed knowing I'm not going to get those cuddles. "Ahh it hurts to say no to you come here" She sighed moving a few books and papers. I smiled widely and sat next to her. She wrapped one of her arms around me and I put my head on her shoulder. I wrapped my left arm around her middle and I watched as she worked.

It took 2 hours before she finally finished her homework. I helped her quite a bit with her maths homework since she didn't quite understand the material and I did. "Okay bee I'm all done" she said with a yawn. "Wanna take a nap?" I asked looking up at her tiered expression. "Yeah, let me just put these in my bookbag." I removed myself from her so she could get up and put her stuff away before she happily crawled into bed. I wrapped my arm around her middle again and she snuggled into my chest. I let out a happy sigh when she started playing with my hair. "Hey Carly?" She hummed in response. "I-I..." I trailed off.

She looked up at me a bit and gave me a confused look. "What is it Tobs?" She put a hand on my cheek. "I love you" I whispered and I saw her smile with a pink blush on her face. "I love you too Toby" She kissed my nose before I buried my head into her shoulder and we proceeded to drift off into a peaceful sleep. 

Wilbur's POV

I was on my phone sending a text to Phil when I hear a knock on the door. I walk out of my room and to the front door seeing it was Tubbo's mum. "Hello Wil is Toby ready to go? I tried calling and I sent him a few texts but he hasn't answered." She questioned. I invited her in while explaining that him and my sister where probably playing a game. I lead her to the lounge and told her to make herself at home. I walk into Carly's room to see her and Tubbo cuddled up together sleeping. I awed a bit before snapping a picture and waking up Tubbo. "Hey mate your mum is here." I whispered so I didn't wake Carly. 

"Okay" He said groggily before carefully untangling himself from my sister. He then as carefully as he could got out of bed and grabbed one of his hoodies from her floor. "Don't forget your yellow one" I pointed out jestering towards his yellow hoodie on the bed. He grabbed it and draped it over Carly and gave her a kiss on her head. "I'll let her keep that one for now" He said before we made our way to the lounge. I say my goodbyes to Tubbo and his mum before they left then I made my way over to the kitchen to start on dinner.

Dinner was almost done before I see Carly tiredly walk into the kitchen. "Well hello sleepyhead did you have a nice nap?" I asked turning off the stove letting the food sit for a bit. "Yeah" She yawned. "Did Toby leave?" She asked looking a tad bit sad. "Yeah he left probably a half an hour ago." I replied getting out two plates. She pulled out her phone and I heard a the facetime ringing before I heard Tubbo say hello. I rolled my eyes at how my sister needed to be talking to him all the time. "Why didn't you wake me to say goodbye?" She questioned him and I heard him giggle softly. 

"You were sleeping, I gave you a kiss before I left. I just didn't want to wake you. I'll call you back before I go to bed, I'm about to start streaming." He said and I heard him start typing something. "Okay, have a good stream" She smiled and I nearly gagged at how she smiled into the camera lovingly. "I'll try, bye I love you" My head snapped up hearing him say those words. Did I just hear what I think I heard? I thought to myself before my sister confirmed my thoughts when she said those three words back and hung up the phone. "Oh so you two are saying I love you now" I teased and Carly blushed. "Yeah we are" She said quietly picking at her food.

"When did this start happening?" I asked before taking a bite of my food. "Today" She replied still not making eye contact. "Why are you acting weird? I just asked a question pip squeak" I laughed as she blushed even harder. "Well you asking these questions makes me nervous Wil" She said before finishing up her food. "I don't get why but okay" I laughed again watching her facial expressions. "I'm not used to having these conversations" She replied meekly. "Alight pip, Oh by the way I took this picture while you two were sleeping" I stated showing her the picture watching a blush return to her face. "WILLIAM WHY?" She whined loudly before telling me to send it to her. "I knew you would want the picture that's why I took it" I explained with a smile.

Carly left the kitchen only to return with her laptop and a pair of headphones. She had them connected to her laptop and I couldn't hear what she was watching but when I walked by I saw she was watching Tubbo's stream. Wow my sister is really into him. I thought to myself before I started getting ready to stream as well. 


Word Count: 1068

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